mapgeographercartographyminiaturistmap makerethnologistcartographicmapmakerethnographertopographerastronomeranatomistpalaeontologistmineralogistlinguist

At the end of a long, hot day, what do cartographers crave most?

Shaded relief
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There was a cartographer that groped his coworker

No sense of boundaries
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Have you heard of the expert cartographer?

His skills are pretty legendary.
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A cartographer is asked to make a giant topographic map

He is very meticulous, agonizing over every little detail on the map. After months of work, he nervously presents it to his client, who says it's perfect and commissions another big project. As he leaves the meeting, the cartographer takes a deep breath, turns to his assistant, and says, "I was real...
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What do idiots on Twitter and a cartographer have in common?

Map awareness.
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It was early December, and a cartographer was looking at a map of Costa Rica.

The cartographer noted that the northern part of the country, along the Nicaraguan border, was fairly wide, but the country's width diminished as it trended southeast. At the border with Panama, it was much narrower.

"Hmm," mused the cartographer. "It's beginning to look a lot like Isthmus."
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My cartographer wife was worried she'd lost some important topographical maps

We looked all morning trying to find them. We looked high and we looked low. Finally, when all hope was lost and she thought she was going to have to re-draw them from scratch, I found some maps in a desk drawer I hadn't checked. When I showed her what I'd found, she said 'Oh, that's a relief!'
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An engineer, a mathematician, a cartographer and a philosopher have a contest...

An engineer, a mathematician, a cartographer and a philosopher have a contest. Whoever can fence off the largest area of land with only 100 meters of fence will win and prove their profession superior.

The engineer goes first, and using his expertise makes a square 25m by 25m for 625m^(2). Co...
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Why did the cartographer get kicked out of map making club

He had a bad latitude
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