
What do you call it when a cardigan is thrown away

A discardigan

What do you call a cardigan you can wear every day of the week?

A cardiganandagainandagain^andagain^andagain^andagain^andagain

Everyone wants to be a developer or programmer nowadays...

But the only soft wear I'm interested in is a cardigan.

A state trooper pulled along side a speeding driver and is shocked when he sees a elderly woman behind the wheel knitting.

The trooper rolled down the window and yelled, "Pull Over!"

"No!" yelled the woman, "It's a cardigan!"

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The street magician

A street magician pulls out a deck of cards and asks a bystander to pick a card and memorize it. The magician then draws a card facing away so he can't see it and has his participant memorize that too. He shuffles the deck, cuts it, and pulls the card on top and asks "Is this your card?" The amazed ...

What’s an automobiles favorite article of clothing?

A CARdigan

What did the magician say when his girlfriend was taking too long shopping for sweaters?

"Pick a cardigan. ANY CARDIGAN."

This joke may contain profanity. πŸ€”

A cop has been chasing me for hours now.

He keeps shouting, "pullover, pullover!"

I'm starting to think cops are a bit stupid, it's a cardigan for fucks sake.

Joke my wife groaned at while shopping together

Me: what do you want to look for in this store?

W: a cardigan

Me: you looked for a card already?

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This old man is playing cards and keeps on winning...

He always seems to have an Ace of Spades.

The people around ask, "How is that happening?"

He replies, "I'm wearing my lucky sweater. My wife knitted it for me."

A few plays later, and still, he keeps winning.

Now, everyone accuses him of cheating.

"What's up your s...

Cop: Pull over!

No its a cardigan but thanks for noticing.

Why can't fashion designers play uno?

Because they always draw a cardigan.

This cop spots this blond driving

This cop spots this blond driving on the freeway knitting!

Pull Over! he yells.

No! She yells back, Cardigan!

Two brothers went to their grandma's for Christmas...

The younger opened up his gift and was delighted to find a nice scarf his grandma had knitted for him.

The older found a card with his name on it. Inside it read "Merry Christmas, Love Grandma"

Later that night the older brother complained to his brother, "Why does grandma love you so ...

A father and son walk into a gas station...

After grabbing a few snacks they walk up to the register to pay for everything.

The cashier says "sorry sir, but you have to swipe your card again."

Son: "dad, don't."

Father: *sweats profusely*

Cashier: "sir?"

Father: "but I'm not wearing a cardigan!"

An old lady is driving on the motorway...

when a cop drives by and sees that she is knitting whilst driving. So the cop trying to stop this madness realizes he needs to do something. So he shouts over to the lady "Pullover!"

The old woman replies "No, its a cardigan!"

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