
My mother does unspeakable things at the beach.

She sells sea-shells on the seashore.

As a child i was molested by mimes

They did unspeakable things to me.

So old Jed is screwing his goat when a neighbor witnesses this unspeakable act of bestiality.

The neighbor calls the cops, and Jed is arrested. Jed goes to a lawyer, explains the case, and the lawyer says, "I can defend you for $5,000."

"What's the point?" says Jed. "My neighbor witnessed the whole thing. Why should I waste $5,000? They're gonna find me guilty for sure."


Ive just been molested by a group of mime artists...

They did unspeakable things to me.

From the moment I saw you I knew I wanted to do unspeakable things with you...

Like playing charades!

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a pornstar entering a barber shop, sitting next to a nun

the nun is currently getting her hair done.. meanwhile the pornstar is talking dirty shit about how he would like to have sex with the nun

the nun tries to ignore those words, when her hair is finished, she says she cant do such unspeakable things as a nun, an leaves

the barber then te...

Why was the mime arrested?

He committed an unspeakable crime

Why was 6 afraid of 7?

Since seven was a child, he has always been a prime number. He excelled at everything he did, but he was kind of odd. Seven was very vengeful and quick to anger. Even though he was popular and well praised, he couldn't stand the sight of six, who was well rounded and has a good circle of tight frien...

We arrested a troupe of mimes for their unspeakable crimes....

None of them talked.
But they did point fingers.

I had a torrid affair with a mime.

He did unspeakable things to me, and I haven’t heard from him since.

It's a bit embarrassing to admit here, but I was once attacked by a whole bunch of street mimes..


..and they did some unspeakable things to me.

Dad: Hey, what happened to our neighbor?

Son: She got attacked by a group of mimes

Dad: Oh no, is she okay

Son: No, they did unspeakable things

My friend got into hot water with a cult of mimes

They committed unspeakable acts of violence against him.

How did the mime keep getting laid?

He could do unspeakable things in the bedroom.

Did you hear about the Mime Murders?

It was an unspeakable horror

The reason I check my hair and my general appearance so often, is because of this one bad day. I can't even say I remember it, but I am told my hair was a mess, I was covered with unspeakable fluids, had trouble breathing, couldn't even stand, and I cried in front of everyone.

I'm still trying to live down the day I was born.

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A friend of mine was sexually assaulted by a gang of mime artists last night...

They did unspeakable things to him.

Police issued a warning of an escape criminal who is a mime

The police also said that the criminal have done unspeakable things

If a mime went jihadi and did a suicide bombing...

Would it be an unspeakable act of terrorism?

A funeral director is standing at the edge of a cliff, about to jump

Funeral Director: I'm ruined! My funeral directory business has gone bankrupt! I will lose my home, my wife, my kids. I'm RUINED!!! RUINED!!!!!!!! Okay... on three, I jump. One... two... thr-

Man: What are you doing?

Funeral director: I'm about to commit suicide. You?

Man: Also ...

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As the pope lay dying he is visited by an angel...

This angel tells him that before he dies, God has commanded that he must make love to a young virgin so he may know and understand the earthly pleasures he gave up his whole life.

The Pope argues for a while but then finally agrees to do it if certain conditions are met:

"First, she m...

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Hitler dies and is sent to hell.

He spends 30 earthly years there being tourtured and abused, going through worse than he even could imagine.

After this time, god calls him up for a talk, considering a pardon. He asks Hitler: "If I sent you back to earth today, what would you do?"

Hitler answers "I would load all the ...

My late wife was abducted by a troupe of travelling Mime artists.

The police informed me, they did... Unspeakable things to her.

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A man gets home from sex trip in Thailand...

and realizes his penis became green and it hurts badly when he touches it. So he goes to consult a doctor.
Doctor: "Hm, yeah, that's a severe illness you got there. The only way to deal with this is amputation."
The man freaks out, screaming an cursing the doctor for suggesting the unspeakabl...

Johnny is going to his girlfriend's house...

He is going to meet her parents for dinner. But first he stops at the pharmacy to pick up some condoms in case of any special occurrences. He goes to the man at the counter and asks for a pack of condoms. The man gives him the box and says, "First time, huh?" Johnny says yes and describes all the un...

Women on death row

Three women, a red head, a brunette, and a blonde are on death row for unspeakable crimes. Instead of the electric chair, they are to be shot by a squad of soldiers. The red haired girl is first, but she has an idea. The commander starts the count down: 3...2..1... The girl yells: "Earthquake!" Ever...

There once was a man named Myas...

One day Myas and his two friends planned a trip to sail across the vast ocean. They rented a ship and when the date came, they set sail. Everything was going accordingly until the third night when a storm happened upon them. Waves buffeted the hull. Gusts of wind enveloped the sails. As the ship roc...

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Mr Lion goes down to the river to drink...

...and as he lowers his head to the water, Mr Chimp leaps down out of the trees, scampers up behind Mr Lion, yanks his tail to one side, and visits an unspeakable outrage upon the King of the Beasts!

He then scampers away, leaving Mr Lion crestfallen and vowing to revenge himself on the imp...

Job Application Humor


Cover letter: "I would be prepared to meet with you at your earliest
convenience to discuss what I can do to your company."

That's what we're afraid of ...


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