
I googled the "Pittsburg Steelers" today and it took me to allrecipes.com...

How to make a half dozen turnovers.

Tom Brady died

When he got to Heaven, God was showing him around. They came to a modest little house with a faded Patriots flag in the window.

"This house is yours for eternity, Tom", said God. "This is very special; not everyone gets a house up here."

Tom felt special and walked up to his house. On ...

how many Pittsburgh Steelers does it take to change a lightbulb?

None, they just talk about how good the last six were

The bengals went into the steelers game this week with high hopes for the postseason..

Now they're far from Burfect.

Why do they call it Heinz field?

Because the Steelers can’t seem to ketchup.

What do OJ Simpson and the Pittsburgh Steelers have in common?

They beat up on the Browns.

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A pothead, a rapist and a dog killer walk into a bar.

The Steelers must be in town.

What's black and loves to destroy Baltimore?

The Pittsburgh Steelers

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Two Pickets

Two drunk Steelers fans were left in Cleveland after a game with no ride home. The first drunk decides that they can just hop a Greyhound bus and be home in no time. He stumbles to the ticket counter and the most beautiful, busty woman he's seen all day was working. He politely asks "can I please ha...

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A Cheating Wife!!!

A man, returning home a day early from a business trip, got into a taxi at the airport. It was after midnight. While en route to his home, he asked the cabby if he would be a witness. The man suspected his wife was having an affair, and he intended to catch her in the act.

For $100, the cabby...

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A Pittsburgh Man, Idaho Falls Man, and a Cleveland Man walk into a bar...

An Idaho Falls man, a Pittsburgh man, and a Cleveland man walk into a bar.

An atheist bartender asks the Idado Falls man what he's drinking.

"Water. The Idaho Falls man replies. "My God doesn't allow us to drink harmful substances."

The bartender replies, "God doesn't exist, b...

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