
My wife called me an eyesore, when she really meant "sight for sore eyes"

And I'm going to keep telling this to myself so I can maintain the strength it requires to make it through this life.

My sniper rifle has conjunctivitis cream smeared all round the eyepiece

It’s a sight for sore eyes

Ophthalmologist Tech Support

My ophthalmologist knows I’m good with computers and was asking if I could help with a little web design that could accommodate the accessibility needs of their patients.

So I built them a site for sore eyes.

What do you call a webpage that helps your eyes feel better?

A site for sore eyes!

My dad made this up and wanted me to post it lol

Did you hear that they make a webpage for people who suffer from chronic eye pain?

It’s a site for sore eyes.

Thankfully, someone created an online resource for everyone who suffered retinal damage watching the solar eclipse.

It truly is a site for sore eyes.

Groucho Marx joke

“We’re gonna build an eye and ear hospital. It’ll be a site for sore eyes”

I'm so glad I stumbled across that optometrist's webpage...

...it was a site for sore eyes.

I've got conjunctivitis!

I know because I researched it on the internet, it was a site for sore eyes.

I was suffering from pinkeye for a long time until I found www.curing-conjunctivitis.com

It was a site for sore eyes

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Daniel fancied himself quite a ladies man, so when his cruise ship went down in a storm and he found himself stranded on a desert island with six women.

he couldn’t believe his good fortune. They quickly agreed that each woman would have one night a week with the only man.

Daniel threw himself into the arrangement with gusto, working even on his day off, but as the weeks stretched into months, he found himself looking forward to that day ...

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A guy shipwrecks on a deserted island...

And after several weeks he becomes lonely and wishes for a companion.
Lo and behold the very next day, a ship with 6 beautiful women crashes. They start to talking and decide that they will share the man. One will sleep with him each night of the week. The man gets a day off, and the cycle repeat...

There once was a man

There once was a man - an old man - weathered and weary from spending the past 60 years of his life as a man of the sea.

He had survived it all: war, weather, business. He had seen just about every major body of water known to man. The seven seas, the fours oceans, the great lakes and nearly ...

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