It's been a few weeks since the last school shooting.
Oh, it's summer.
social distancing is great, public school shootings are down 100%
Unfortunately home school shootings are up 100%
I told my dad about the school shooting today
I don't know why he got so worked up over picture day
I was planning a school shooting, but had to cancel it because of the virus.
Apparently filming school documentaries isn't "essential".
I just figured out why USA is about to ban abortion (dark)
That's to have more targets for their school shootings
What can the coronavirus do that the us government can't?
Stop school shootings
I'm trying to understand how there can be so many school shooting jokes on Reddit...
But I guess everyone's aiming at a younger crowd.
Cheap oil, no immigration and no school shootings.
Corona did what Trump promised
I recently Learned that it's politically incorrect to talk about taking part in a school shooting.
Apparently the term 'School photos' is more acceptable.
How do you end school shootings?
Release a virus.
My brother didnt like the school shooting jokes I was making
I think I should aim for a younger audience.
This joke may contain profanity. 🤔
The only school shooting I do.
Is heroin in math class.
I never get school shooting jokes.
Maybe they're aimed at a younger audience.
Why can't you tell school school shooting jokes in the US?
Because it's always too soon.
What would Ted Cruz have done in the school shooting if he was the responding police officer?
He would have packed his bags and leave for Cancun, citing his daughters don't go that school.
In schools with no tolerance policies...
Do all the survivors go to jail after a school shooting?
How to end school shootings while making both sides happy
Ban the children
Hey ya know what the good thing about schools shutting down is?
We might hit a new record for longest time without a school shooting!
Coronavirus outbreak is actually good news for America.
School shooting incidents decrease drammatically in 2020.
Americans like to fish by shooting guns at big groups of fish from their boats.
They call it "School Shootings".
Yo mama so stupid she heard about a school shooting and thought it was picture day
Congratulations USA
Zero school shootings so far this year.
I'm 45 and I can't get school shooting jokes even though I have lived in America my entire life
I asked my friend and he said it's probably because they are aimed at a younger audience
What's the best part about summer in the U.S.?
3 months of no school shootings.
Say what you want about Trump...
...but he’s brought school shootings down to zero for more than an entire month.
I was in a school shooting
So glad I was because now I'm vaccinated
Reintroducing "All the children" jokes
This is a blatant repost because a year ago, I had a day full of laughs because of this thread, so I would like to give credit to /u/joschon for blessing us all with this a year ago.
Here in Sweden, there's a classic joke cycle called "All the children-jokes". They're kind of like limeric...
School shootings in the U.S. have only increased in frequency in the past few years
Between the increased interest in photography class and the heroin epidemic, I've lost enough friends
Who knew that all it took was one bat from China...
... to completely eradicate the USA's school shooting problem!
Why would Donald Trump run into an active school shooting, even if unarmed?
Because he knows one of his supporters would never shoot him
On the plus side to this whole pandemic
I haven’t heard of any school shootings this year
What has gone down since carona virus has showed up?
School Shootings
There is one good thing about Covid
We haven't heard about school shootings in US for three months if not more.
Someone I know went to a very expensive, exclusive private school.
These kids are so rich, they hire hitmen to do their school shootings.
What do you call a fisherman fishing with a gun
A school shooting
What is the one thing that we will never see happening in the U.S.?
School shooting...
where the shooter is eating a Kinder Surprise Egg.
It' summer time, you know what that means...
No more school shootings for 2 months
A Bus Stop
On a bus stop in Washington DC, there were a cop, a nurse, a man in a suit, a philosopher and a priest. The cop spoke first:
Cop: ”Is this the right bus stop to Congress hill?”
Man in suit: ”yes”
Cop: ”Good. As it happens, there was this school shooting incident last week; I was...
So everyone's complaining about the effects of the Corona Virus, But I say we look at the Silver linings.
School Shootings are at an all time low! Now I call that winning
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