
A new strain of head lice has been discovered which is resistant to conventional treatments.

That has left scientists scratching their heads.

I’m the scientist who just discovered that goose-down pillows are NOT resistant to sulphuric acid.

Although, apparently that’s not what my wife meant when she said we need to “experiment in the bedroom”

I recently bought chainsaw resistant clothes...

They were really expensive but hey at least they didn’t cost an arm and a leg.

Samsung just announced a series of water resistant phones....

Just what you want in a phone that sets itself on fire - to be water resistant.

My wife bought a slash resistant purse.

I didn't realize the guitarist from Guns & Roses was causing that much trouble, but I'm glad science is solving the issue.

Why is Ben 10 so resistant?

He always wears the Ohmnitrix

When I heard that my toaster wasn't water resistant...

I was shocked!!

What is the most heat resistant thing in the world?

Tantalum carbide,
Hafnium carbide,

Grandmoms, Niki Lauda, Every italian,
Turkish Guys in a kebap shop in Summer

Scientists have created a cotton plant resistant to boll weevils.

When asked about it, they replied, "It's unbollweevible."

If electricity is always directing itself to the least resistant, where would it go?

The French

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