urushiolweedleafpoison oakmarkweednorth americarhus radicanspoison mercurycrabgrassragwortpoisonoushenbitdeciduousknotweedivy

There was an Irish botanist that was trying to cross a four leaf clover with poison ivy...

He was hoping for a rash of good luck.
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What's in Poison Ivy's underpants?

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What do you get when Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson, and Roosevelt fall in poison ivy?

Mt. Rashmore.
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Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn decide to go rob a bank.

"Now, remember the plan," Ivy tells Harley.

"Yeah, yeah, no problem!" She says, and walks into the bank. Ivy waits in the getaway car.
Time passes. Five minutes...ten...Ivy starts getting worried...fifteen...
Suddenly Harley comes rushing out of the bank, dragging a safe behind her al...
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I recently put poison ivy in the bed of a guy that I don't like.

It was a rash decision on my part.
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Back in school my friends almost convinced me to smoke poison ivy.

Luckily, I didn't do anything rash.
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My doc prescibed me an RX for my poison ivy and oak allergies.

I got 99 problems but an itch aint one.
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On a whim, I decided to roll around in some poison ivy.

It was a real rash decision.
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I accidently mixed up some poison ivy with a 4 leafed clover

Ever since I've had a rash of good luck...
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The itch from poison ivy is so bad that I just spent hundreds of dollars buying every possible cream and ointment at the pharmacy.

I need to quit making rash decisions.
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During his physical, the doctor asked the patient about his daily activity level

He described a typical day this way: 'Well, yesterday afternoon, I waded along the edge of a lake, drank eight beers, escaped from wild dogs in the heavy brush, jumped away from an aggressive rattlesnake, marched up and down several rocky hills, stood in a patch of poison ivy, crawled out of quicksa...

Where does a toxicologist go to get the best possible education?

A Poison Ivy League College.
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Irish I could say I came up with these St. Patty's Day jokes

What do you get when you cross poison ivy with a four-leaf clover?
-A rash of good luck.

Why wasn't Jesus born in Ireland?
- He couldn't find 3 wise men or a virgin.

Why do people wear shamrocks on St. Patrick's Day?
-Regular rocks are too heavy.

How did the Irish ...

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Al the Irish jokes I've heard - Irish this sub a happy St. Patrick's Day!:

* What do you get when you cross a 4 leaf clover with poison ivy? A rash of good luck.
* What do you call a fake Irish stone? A shamrock.
* Why shouldn't you iron a 4-leaf clover? You'd be pressing your luck.
* What instrument did the diva musician play on St. Patrick's day? Brag-pipes....

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