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Communism sounds good on paper...

...unless you’re reading a history book.

Communism is a System That Looks Pretty Great on Paper.

Unless of course, that paper makes up the pages of a History book.

Boating sounds like a terrible idea on paper

But it's a thousand times better on water.

You know, just based on my “relationship resume,” on paper, I’m a great catch!

In practice, however, I’m more catch and release.

Write this joke down on paper

Then it won't just be bad, it'll be tearable.

What do you call jokes written on paper?


On an examination paper, The professor required his students to sign a form stating they had received no outside assistance...

....Unsure of whether he should sign the form, a student stated that he had prayed for the assistance of God.

The professor carefully studied the answer script....

...and then said: "You can sign with a clear conscience. God did not assist you."

I just finished writing my book on penguins.

My publisher said it would've been better if I'd written it on paper.

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