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What do you get when you cross a mosquito with a mountain climber?

Nothing. You can't cross a vector and a scalar.

No matter what I do as a mountain climber, I’m always the best.

I just can’t stop peaking.

Mountain climbers do so much climbing

Don’t they Everest?

Young mountain climber

My son made a model of mount Everest for his school project.
"Is it to scale?" I asked him.
"Don't be stupid Dad, it's just to look at!"

Did you hear about the mountain climber who summited Mt Everest.

safe to say his mountain climbing career peaked


I just finished this book on climbing Mt. Everest. Now I'm no mountain climber, but I smoke and I live on the third floor, so I can kind of relate. Everest is a lot like laundry day.

What did the mountain climber name his horse?

Everest. Any time he is bored I see him Mount Everest.

Why were the mountain climber's parents disappointed in him?

He was always high! ^(I'm sorry)

Why are most mountain climbers hippies?

Because scalars have no direction

(OC, as far as I know)

A group of mountain climbers all contract Coronavirus, but are strangely unable to infect anybody else.

This is because scalars aren't vectors.

What is a mountain climber's favorite drink?

Anything on the rocks.

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Ever wonder how yodeling was invented?

Long ago, a mountain climber was walking through a valley on his way to a nearby mountain he had his eye on climbing. As he grew near his destination he saw a little farmhouse with a little barn with a farmer outside tending to his animals. The climber approached the farmer and asked if he could spe...

Since there have been a few math jokes lately...

Q1. What do you get if you cross a mountain lion with a mountain goat?

A1. ||mountain lion|| ||mountain goat|| sin θ

Q2. What do you get when you cross a mountain lion with a mountain climber?

A2. You can't - the mountain climber is a scalar.

In honor of the other math joke I saw on the front page

A mountain climber is climbing a mountain from the bottom along it’s only path. A mosquito starts at the top and follows the path downwards. Where do the two meet?

Nowhere. You can’t cross a scalar and a vector.

A math joke...

After days of walking a mountain climber reached the top of Mt.Everest. There he saw and old man with a boiling pot of water. “ What is this?”, the climber asked.

“ Don’t you see”, the old man replied “ this is a hypotenuse.”

Physics Joke

A mountain climber goes out drinking with his friends.
He starts complaining "My wife called me annoying last night! She compared me to a mosquito." His buddy responded. "You know what they say. You can't cross a vector with a scalar."

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What is Yoda's last name?

"Lay Hee Whooo!"

Guys, I'm so sorry for posting this but my wife turned to me and asked this in all seriousness, then laughed her ass off when she told me the punchline. She's super proud of her terrible joke, and no I don't think Yoda is a Swiss mountain climber, I'm actually just really hap...

Tour guide in the mountain

A guide was leading a group of people on a hike through some mountains. He pointed at a fairly majestic looking peak and said "This one is most popular with mountain climbers. Most days you have a few teams doing a climb. The ascent, depending on your skill level can take between two and five hours....

Made in Thailand

Have you heard of the mountain climber from Bangkok?

He became famous as the Thai of the Eiger.


Who won the election for mayor of Bangkok?

It was a Thai.

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