
Why did the maze maker get divorced?

He often got lost in his work.

What do you call the anxiety you feel when you’re in a maze of buildings?

A complex complex complex

What do you call the best maze ever?


So a British guy gets a call from a man asking for him to go through a maze.

The man asks, “What type of maze?”

“A maize maze,” responds the caller.

“What the hell kind of a maze is that?” asks the man.

“You’ll get it. Just keep driving until you find it. Shouldn’t take too long.”

So the man keeps driving on and on. Eventually, he drives along the...

3 mandalorians are stuck in a maze

2 of them are arguing with each other. “This is the way” “No, this is the way” they keep saying to each other. Then the third flies up and out of the maze with his jetpack. “No that’s the way” the second says to the first

Why did the corn maze go back to school?

It was tired of working in a dead end field.

Be sure to always whisper while in a corn maze

The walls have ears.

What do you call the basic unit of grammar when it walks into a maze?

A lost clause.

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A man took his 3 kids to a maze

His kids' names are Flour, Sugar, and Butter. The four of them split up in the maze to try to solve it. Along the way, Dad bumps into Butter. They exchange surprised looks and laughs and continue on their way. After 10 more minutes, Dad bumps into Butter again. They repeat the previous exchange and ...

A guy walks into a bar

A guy walks into a bar during the town's annual Halloween celebration. "I'd sure like to try out that giant corn maze they set up, but I'm afraid I'd get lost and kill half the day in there," the guy tells the bartender. "There is actually a guide you can hire that will take you through the entire l...

I'm surrounded by idiots

Unfortunately, I am currently stuck in a mirror maze.

Riddle: A flat-earther and a round-earther enter a maze at the same time. They each have a compass, and both know that the exit is on the North end of the maze. Which one exits the maze first?

The round-earther exits first, because the flat-earther died of measles while inside.

I want to open a new labrynth in a cornfield

I plan to call it the Amazing Maize Maze!
Apologies for the corny joke...

Scientists announced a new family fun maze covered in vantablack to help raise awareness about the new product...

...there were no survivors :/

Where’s the best place to sing Eleanor Rigby?

A mirror maze, so you can look at all the lonely people.

If Billy Mays were a farmer...

And he ran a really good corn maze during the spring, it would be called the "Amazing May Mays Maize Maze."

I went to a Abba themed bar last night

The toilet was like a maze

What a loo couldn't escape if I wanted to

You know what amazes me?

A maze.

If you made a corn labyrinth in the likeness of a deceased television pitchman...

You'd have a Billy Mays maize maze.

A man like me is hard to find.

I trim maze hedges.

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A mage puts two friends, John and Fred, into a labyrinth of bridges.

The two walk around the maze, and they arrive at the first bridge. Fred starts to walk over the bridge when he sees John masturbating out of the corner of his eye. He does a double take and then asks why he's doing this. John then explains that the mage told him they must orgasm on the bridge in ord...

Get ready for a corny joke!

***What is Mr. Corn's philosophy on life?***

Life is a maze.

A priest and a math teacher...

die and go to heaven at the same time. St. Peter greets them at the pearly gates, and then shows them to their accommodations. He brings the math teacher to a luxurious mansion, with a hedge maze, marble columns, and a fountain. The priest thinks to himself, "If the math teacher gets this, imagine w...

A man opens a business training seeing-eye-dogs with what he claims to be "the most scientific methods possible."

A curious reporter wants to see these methods in action, so he arranges to observe the final tests of some of these trained assistance dogs along with the business owner.

The first dog enters the testing course with his blind handler and performs spectacularly. First the dog guides his human ...

Daedalus and the Labyrinth

Daedalus, the famous Greek architect and inventor, was relaxing in his home in the Blessed Isles of the Underworld when Hades, the Lord of Death himself, came to him with a favor.

"Listen, Daedalus," Hades began. "You know how the population of the dead here increase every year? The Underworl...

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