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What kind of Donuts are Bob Marley's favourite?

Ones with Jammin'!
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Why doesn’t Bob Marley eat PB&J sandwiches?

Because he’s more of a jam man.
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What did Bob Marley say when he put his hand in the bread bin?

Is this loaf that I’m feeling?
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What did Bob Marley say to the failing comedian?

Give up, stand up.
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What is Bob Marley called on a motorcycle?

Bob Harley
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Our photocopier in the office is called Bob Marley

'cause it's always jamming.
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Which country listens to the most Bob Marley?

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'Marley and Me' has a sequel!

It's called 'Me'...
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My girlfriend walked out on me, with my Bob Marley CD and Satellite dish.

Oh well, No Woman No Sky.
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According to his biography, Bob Marley's two favourite interests were fashion and comedy.

Or, as he called them, Get Up and Stand Up.
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The most popular name for kids of Bob Marley fans?


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How often do experts say you should listen to Bob Marley?

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My mate just rang me in tears. His wife has left him and taken his Bob Marley collection and satellite dish!

I pity the poor bastard

No Woman No Sky!

They just released the title for the Marley & Me sequel

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Did you hear about the time Bob Marley went to the hairdressers?

He was dreading it
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Can you believe marijuana is still illegal in Jamaica?

Bob Marley must be rolling in his grave.
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What does Bob Marley wear to sleep?

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So, they recently discovered a recording of Michael Jackson covering Bob Marley

It was titled "One Glove"
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I like music by underground artists

Like Amy Winehouse, Kurt Cobain, Michael Jackson, John Lennon, Bob Marley and Prince.
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An eighteen year old finally decides to throw out his toys.

Andrew was never fond of most of the toys in his collection. He was a professional gamer and had no time for real world items. One day, he decided that he needed to clear out his room and found all his old toys. Without a moment's notice, he placed the whole bag in the garbage bin outside his house....

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