
I came across my mum and dad's love letters today

I tried to wipe it off, but they're ruined.

Love Letters

My grandmother told me how she ended up marrying
Grandpa. She was in her 2os, and the man she was dating
left for war. "We were in love, " she recalled, "and wrote to
each other every week. It was during that time that I
discovered how wonderful your grandfather was."
Did you marry Gr...

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[Long] One of my favorite jokes from BoJack Horseman

Okay so there's this gardener right?
So the amazing thing about this gardener is that he always knows exactly how many bags of mulch he needs for a job, just by looking. Like he gets it right, every time. He's the best.
So one day, he looks at a yard he's working on and he's like... 18 bags. S...

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So this couple lives in an apartment and has a lot of sex

One day, the girlfriend asks her boy friend:
"Do you love me?"
He says:
"Of course"
To which she replies:
"Then why don't you ever write me poetry or love letters like all my friends' boyfriends? Why do we only have sex?"
The guy thinks for a minute and says:
"Well babe, you ...

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