Chronic masturbation can cause memory attacks and loss of ire.
Or something like that, why don't you go fuck yourself?
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Why are the British hated?
They've an entire land of ire against them!
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What is the angriest country?
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A man comes home and finds his dog holding his neighbor’s pet rabbit’s lifeless body
Realizing what has happened and fearing his neighbor’s ire, he quickly retrieves the rabbit, washes it and places it back in its cage, hoping his neighbor thinks it died of natural causes.
The following day his neighbor asks him if he knows what happened to Fluffy. “Er.. Um.. of course not......
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If a Scottish person got just a little upset every time he was mistaken for his Gaelic neighbors...
...wouldn't that still make him ire-ish?
(This was my first joke I wrote a few years ago. It's bad, but I wanted to post it as a cake day commemoration. And then never tell it again :D)
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I used to be Irish...
Then I became completely full of ire.
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔
A man and his husband walk into a local church...
A man and his husband walk into a local church, holding hands and being affectionate during the entire ceremony, to the ire of one of the elderly choir women.
Once it has finished, she approaches the two men and quotes from the bible:
>"Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inher...
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In the summer of 1901, there was a small town in Western New York.
Nestled in a small valley, the town of Alfred was dominated by a church with a massive bell that would ring every day, at the top of every hour for several minutes on end, from sun up 'til sun down, much to the ire of the inhabitants.
One fateful night, the bell disappeared. Distraught,...
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Husband and wife are putting up Holiday decorations
when husband offers to hang the wreath. “But sweetums, you are inept and you have no tools,” says the wife. Husband shrugs and goes to Lowe’s to buy a hammer. He walks past a display for the new, Elf Steam Multi-Tool. The marketing was brilliant and it had a drill, three saws, and a sander - all wor...
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