
What do Excel, incels and some people who casually eat figs have in common?

They get confused and incorrectly assume it's a date.

Thank you for the awards.

As people have pointed out, this joke seems to have originated from a venn diagram, but seeing as I heard it a different way and we can't post venn diagrams on this sub, I don't ...


Putting the 'nob' in Nobody

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I don't understand why incels are so upset all the time.

Seriously, they're mad about fucking nothing.

Say what you will about r/incels being banned

But at least someone finally got them off.

How many incels does it take to change a light bulb?

Only one, but he has no idea how to turn it on.

What do incels and Excel have in common?

They both wrongly assume something is a date when it's not

Why do incels hate playing soccer?

Because they’re not allowed to use their hands.

What do job hunting and incels have in common?

They both expect years of experience from a first timer.

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What do incels use for lubrication?

Extra virgin olive oil.

[Nsfw] Why are incels so dangerous?

Because you never see them coming.

How many incels does it take to screw a lightbulb?

None. No self respecting light bulb would want to be screwed by an incel.

What's the difference between bricks and incels?

Bricks get laid

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What do you call incels lying about their ability to play musical instruments to impress sexy e-girls?

A simp-phony

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Here's to incels...

for fucking nothing.

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I tried telling some incels a sex joke...

...but they just weren't having it!

What is incels favorite computer program?


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How many incels does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


But then he'll get mad and smash the bulb because the girl he changed it for wouldn't have sex with him in return.

Why is it always tricky to understand an incels' joke.

It's always dry humor.

How many incels does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Doesn't make a difference it can't be done.

First they complain that the bulb should be screwing them.

and if they actually try they can't see past their computer monitor.

Why do so many Incels take a tour to the Statue of Liberty?

So they can finally get into a woman.

Why don't mitochondria ever get laid?

Cause they're incels

Why do people in prison never get married?

They’re incels

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How do 40 year old virgins type their spreadsheets?


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What do you call non-sex cells?


What do mitochondria, Bill Cosby, and my friend Clint all have in common?

They're all incels.

Why do niceguys never go to jail?

Because they’re already incels.

When I go from dictionary to urban dictionary.

*Discussion about Discord server raids...*

Friend: define raid

Me: hundreds of bot accounts spamming the server.

Friend: define area 51 raid

Me: millions of incels running out of breathe to their death.

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Because my search history gets send to advertisement companies..

Since I have been browsing r/incels I have stopped getting dating ads.

Why don't hot people ever visit r/braincels?

It's incellated.

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