First dog says to the second dog: Hey, do you want to hear a joke? Second dog: Yeah, go on then. First dog: Knock, knock. Second dog: Woof, woof, woof, woof!
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The wife was nagging me for ages to put a shelf up in the front room, but as I am shit at DIY I thought that I should get some advice.
So I went to the library and asked the woman there, "do you have any books on shelves?"
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A Yorkshireman is lying on his death bed
He had been unwell for a while, and the time was drawing near. The man had asked for his family to be gathered in the bedroom to say their goodbyes.
“Is my darling wife here with me?”
“Yes, love.”
“And is my son here, in the bedroom with me?”
“Yes Father, I’m here.” ...
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A pregnant woman was shot during a bank robbery...
After being rushed to the hospital and treated in the ER, the doctor tells her some good and bad news. The good news is that she's having triplets, all boys and they're all healthy, the bad news is that they've each got a bullet inside of them and will pass this Bullet naturally in +- 18 years. <...
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