My wife called me an eyesore, when she really meant "sight for sore eyes"
And I'm going to keep telling this to myself so I can maintain the strength it requires to make it through this life.
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A man once called a pier the ugliest eyesore he'd ever seen, but was then never seen again.
I guess you could say he diss-a-pier-ed.
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A bus full of ugly people is driving along a cliff
The bus driver makes a mistake as he eats a burger causing the bus to suddenly fall from the cliff killing all passengers aboard
The group of deformed men and women are woken in front of the pearly gates greeted by St Peter himself
"you lot have had a hard and unfortunate life and as t...
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So my mom decided to sell her house, but she’d always promised she’d get the boulder out of her front yard.
It was an eyesore, but she couldn’t handle it herself. I was still in college, so on a long weekend, I loaded all the guys I could in my car, drove the 11 hours home. We borrowed a truck, backed it right up, and tried to lift it. We couldn’t move it.
So I called in all the old high school fri...
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A man foolishly asks his wife why she keeps staring out of the window...
Taking a very deep breath she replies "I'm really fed up with the state of Mrs Brown's blinds. Mrs Perkin's aren't much better. And that Mrs Lewis- scruffy cow. Look at them- filthy. They're just not house proud like me. Dirty blinds are such an eyesore. If you were a real man you'd go over and get ...
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