
What does a graffiti artist call an empty wall?

A blanksy
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A man is walking down a street when he reads a graffiti...

...saying "The person reading this is an idiot"

This angers him very much, knowing he has been made a fool. So he picks up a stone and starts writing below it:

"The person who wrote this is an idiot"
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I feel very strongly about graffiti in toilet cubicles

So I have signed a partition
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I have this bad feeling that I’m about to be fired from my graffiti removal job.

The writing is on the wall.
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I saw a graffiti artist spraying a police station in a thick font.

Now that is bold.
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One day, Mickey Mouse wakes up and found a graffiti on the snow written with pee outside his house.

The graffiti wrote "Mickey Sucks".

The police came, and they told Mickey that there's bad news and an even worse news.

The bad news is, the urine is from Goofy.

The worse news is, its Minnie's handwriting.
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My friend was arrested for spray painting graffiti and he tried to deny it.

But…the writing was on the wall.
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Graffiti artist writes on the wall:

Person who wrote this is brilliant and person who read this is a idiot.

Dave (you know Dave, everybody knows Dave) who used to walk by this sign everyday got angrier and angrier whenever he read this sign.

So one day Dave got an amazing idea, so that night he went to that wall. He clea...
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How did one graffiti artist ask to meet another?

By offering to meet deface deface.
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Graffiti on the wall of the physics department

Heisenberg might have been here
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Saw my neighbour scrubbing some graffiti saying 'paedo' off his door this morning...

I said "What's been going on mate?"

He said "Fucking kids!"

I tried to graffiti a train today

I don't know how some people get such good artwork, I could barely keep up with the cars.
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My own terrible joke. Just came up with it.

What do you call someone who is all for graffiti?

A proTAGonist...

I await your displeasure.
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Stopping graffiti has become unmanageable around here

So far the only effort to reduce it has been a complete wash.
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There's a hotel that still has an elevator operator, to prevent people from doing graffiti in it, or kids from jumping in it.

A man who's on vacation talks to the elevator guy whenever he rides the elevator, and they get to know each other pretty well.

When he's leaving the hotel at the end of his vacation, the elevator operator notices his suitcases and says "Goodbye son" and the man replies "you're not my father"...
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My graffiti-artist girlfriend just left me

I should have really seen the writing on the wall.
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The best graffiti I ever saw said “Go home Dad, you’re drunk again”

It was written right below the words “I f*cked yer mother”
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Police are looking for the person(s) responsible for drawing graffiti on local sea life

Police are saying its no accident and has been done on porpoise.
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TIL that in some states, graffiti vandals are fined $100-200 per letter.

So if you make a whole bunch of letters, you could end up with a hefty sentence.
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Someone has been spraying graffiti of what appears to be corporate ledgers all around my neighborhood.

And the words of the profits are written on the subway walls, and tenement halls.
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I saw graffiti in a bathroom that said: "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful, hate me because I DID YOUR DAD!"

Underneath someone replied:

"Go home mom. You're drunk."
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I found this written on a basketball hoop

Things I hate

1. Graffiti

2. Lists

3. Irony
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Her: I’m leaving. I’m sick of your constant mansplaining. I’m surprised you didn’t see the writing on the wall.

Me: It’s called graffiti, Karen.
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Word on the street is

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Father and his special daughter are driving back to her mom's.

Father drives past a sign "7/11"
Daughter yells with excitement "Hotdog! Ice-creams"
Father says " ok we can get a hotdog"
He stops at the 7/11 walks in with the daughter and she yells to the clerk " Toilet ! Hotdog ice cream!" They clerk quickly hands her the bathroom key as the father che...
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A guy is sitting on the ground crying.

A stranger asks him what's wrong. He points to a bridge and says "see that bridge? I built that. But do they call me Joe the Builder? Nooo" and then points to a mural and says "I also made that graffiti mural. But they don't call me Joe the Artist." He started crying again. "But you fuck one sheep--...

At the men's bathroom of the local college...

... above the toilet paper dispenser was a piece of graffiti:

"Liberal Arts Degrees. Take One."
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Mexican dude flees to the US without realizing that Trump's in office.

Mexican dude flees to the US without realizing that Trump's in office. Changes identity and calls himself Ted. Trump throws out all the Mexicans but Ted (who was previously Juan), just graffitis "Still Mexican. Still here." at random places around the country. The cops can't find him but they do kno...
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True Story

When I was going to college (in eastern european country), the dorms had only one toilet and they were locked after midnight. One night my friend wakes me up saying that he has stomach issues and cannot hold it in. We go to the window in the corridor and he puts his ass out of the window and eases h...

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