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My wife suggested I get a penis enlarger

So I did, she's 21 and her name is Krystal

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As I approach 50, my wife suggested I get myself one of those high performance penis enlargers...

So I have.

She's 25 and her name is Candy.

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I just spent $50 on Ebay for a penis enlarger

Those bastards sent me a magnifying glass

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My wife suggested I get one of those penis enlargers...

... So, I did. She's 21 and her name is Megan.

PS: Even though the joke is in first person, nobody told me to get a penis enlarger.

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I bought a penis enlarger online last week

You can imagine my surprise when I opened up the package and found a magnifying glass.

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Warning to all men about eBay.

Be careful what you buy on eBay.

If you buy stuff on line, be sure to

check out the seller carefully.

I just spent £95 + postage,

on a penis enlarger.

Bastards sent me a magnifying glass.

The only instructions said, "Do not use in sunlight."

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Why did the woman leave her husband after he spent all their money on a penis enlarger?

She just couldn’t take it any longer.

What is the name of the drug that Roger Federer uses in secret ?

Tennis Enlarger.
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The reason I'm so happy today is because I got a penis enlarger...

She's 18 years old!

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When they said I was gonna be hung, drawn and quartered...

I've gotta admit, I didn't expect a penis enlarger, a professional sketch and my own room on a ship.

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