ear canalcholesterolsqualenefunguseardrumsebaceous glandlipidwaxbacteriacartilagedesquamationviscouskeratinocytesecretionkeratin

Trump is really good about his ears.

He wears ear plugs at loud concerts.
He makes sure his ear wax doesn’t build up.
He keeps the gray hairs growing out of his ears nice and trimmed.

He’s quite possibly the most ear responsible president we’ve ever had.

Why I'm tired

For a couple of years I have been blaming it on lack of sleep,not enough sunshine,too much pressure from my job,ear wax buildup, poor blood,or anything else I could think of.But now I found out the real reason.Im tired because I'm overworked.And here's why:The population of this country is 273 milli...

Health problems

An old woman went to her doctor for a checkup. She complained about having terrible gas. She told the doctor it was very strange because she was constantly passing gas but it never made any sound and had no odor at all. "I'm not kidding.", she said, "I've passed gas at least 3 times since you've ...

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