knife edgeforefrontvanguardedgebrinkborduremarginalborderrimmarginvergemargebezelselvagebrim

Old scissors both are and aren't cutting edge technology.


Apple is releasing a new product called the iKnife.

It's cutting edge technology.

I have invented a machine for automated circumcision

The technology is cutting edge.

Did you hear about the latest pair of scissors in the market?

It's said to be cutting edge technology

What you call when you delete Microsoft Edge browser from your computer?

Cutting Edge technology!

Guys I designed my own knife

It uses cutting edge technology

(Also blue cheese)

The Guillotine was supposed to be ahead of its time

It had cutting edge technology

What do you call someone who develops cutlery

A cutting edge technologist *cue groans*

Why don't we use swords anymore?

Aren't they still cutting edge technology?

Say what you want about the graphics for Lara Croft's bosom in the original Tomb Raider

At the time, they were cutting edge.

There's a new chainsaw coming out soon.

I hear that it's cutting edge technology.

I saw a man cutting a pizza with a smart phone

I know it's cutting edge technology but jeez

I’d recommend investing in Weed Wacker companies...

They work on cutting edge technology

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So I was in a wood carving class the other day.

I was making a piece, but I just couldn't seem to be able to find the right kind of knife, so I decided to make my own. After about 2 weeks of working, I had the perfect knife, and I brought it to the instructor of the woodworking class. "Wow." He said, "That's quite a cutting edge design."

- I just build a machine that produces knives

- Is it any good?

- It's cutting edge technology.

What do you call a robotic emo that likes dark humor.

Cutting edge technology

The longest circumcision in history

I had this mate and he used to go on about it his job all the time, you know the type? Work, work, work! Well this was particularly annoying in his case, as he was a professional circumciser.

I said to him one day do you enjoy your work? And off he went...

He said yes it’s a fantasti...

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Two men are sitting at a bar. One says to another, "what do you do for work?"

He responds
"I work in gene therapy, exciting stuff, our last patient came in saying he could not please his wife, so we treated him with our cutting edge techniques. Now, he has a 10 inch penis! What about you?"
"Only about 7 and a half but my wife seems to like it"

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A visit to the doctor

"I want to prescribe you a new cutting edge drug against depression. But I have good news and bad news about the drug"

"I would prefer to hear bad news first".

"Okay. Bad news are that said drug has many side-effects. You will feel dizzy, tired, bad taste in your mouth, per...

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A man is driving his car down the road...

A man is driving his car down the road. He recently got a shelf installed above the back seat of his car to hold extra things for him, as he doesn't often clean his car and needs space to put things. To put the shelf in, though, he had to take out the headrest from his seat to make room. Among the t...

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