
Connotation is important

Forgive me father for I have sinned

Is much more serious than

Sorry daddy I've been naughty

World Taekwondo Federation has changed its name over negative connotations


I'm not sure why gentrification has such a negative connotation but being a pioneer sounds exciting and adventurous

It's still the same old story of a white guy moving somewhere other people already live to claim it as his own.

Due to the negative connotation of the phrase "colored people" the NAACP is thinking about changing their name to reflect more modern terms like "African Americans"

But then they said NAAAA.

You know you're getting old when...

"at your age" starts to come with negative connotations instead of positive ones at the doctor.

*Based on true events*...

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So a panda walks into a bar

A panda walks into a bar one day and orders a sandwich. The server brings it over to him, and he eats it quietly. The panda then pulls out a gun, and shoots the server. The bartender stands up in shock and ask him just what the hell he thinks he's doing. The panda simply replies, "I'm a panda, dumba...

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