panfishlepomisfishwalleyemuskellungesunfishbreambasstroutlateral linecatfishbluefishrainbowfishgroupersnapper

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Fishing is a great way to recuperate.

Whenever you’re feeling bluegill or like nobody gives a crappie. Or if you’ve fallen on your bass and you’re sturgeon for the truth. Don’t ever trout that cod will be there for you.

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Game Warden goes fishing [long]

This fellow got hired by the Conservation Department as a game warden. He just loved all things hunting and fishing, and being new in town, started asking around where the good fishing holes were. Finally he came to this little country bar, and asked the bartender. "Charlie catches more fish than...

A man called home to his wife and said...

...“Honey I have been asked to go fishing up in Canada with my boss & several of his Friends.

We’ll be gone for a week. This is a good opportunity for me to get that Promotion I’v been wanting, so could you please pack enough Clothes for a week and set out my rod and fishing box, we’re Le...
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