
A Bengali man had just moved to Germany and was looking to start his own business...

He didn't know what to name it, so he walked around on a street in their business district to get ideas.

The first shop was selling car-parts, it was named "Das Auto."
"Interesting," the Bengali thought, and moved on.

The second shop next to it was selling newspapers: "Das Volk."...

Cultural Differences

**Bengali**: My grandfather lived for 96 years and he never used glasses.

**Punjabi**: Yes, I know, some people in my family also drink directly from the bottle.

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A very rich man and a monk

(This is an old joke translated from bengali so forgive me for mistakes or reposts).

A very rich man had married a village girl and they were looking for a nice house.

Unable to find any apartment they went to visit a local monk of the village who was rumored to make wishes true o...

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