lavamagmacraterbasaltvolcanic cratervolcanic ashvesuviuscalderamount etnapinatubomount fujikrakatoaeruptionmountaingaleras

I love volcanoes. My girl doesn't.

Don't know if I lava anymore.

What kind of boats can float inside volcanoes?


What is the most dangerous type of canoes?


Why are volcanoes so jolly?

Whenever they hear a joke, they erupt with laughter

Why can't dormant volcanoes erupt?

They have eruptile dysfunction

Why do the Greeks play classical music by volcanoes?

because of all the Bach lava.

Where do volcanoes go to relieve themselves?

The lavatory, of course!

I like mountains.

But volcanoes are ash holes.

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Doctor: are you active sexually?

Patient: define active, cause some active volcanoes didn't explode in hundreds of years.

Doctor: I'll write virgin.

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