
What do you call 12th century guitar music transcribed into a computer format?


What do you call a Metallica song after being transcribed?

Sheet metal.

The transcriber of the book of Revelations misheard the Angel Gabriel

The world isn't going to end with trumpets.

It's going to end with Trump/Pence.

It was time to name Canada

All the 4 founding hosiers were sitting around and no one could agree on a name. They finally decided to put a bunch of letters in a hat and 3 people would draw one out at a time while the last transcribed the name.

The first guy drew and read, "C, eh?"

The next drew, "N, eh?"


A Navy Yeoman screws up a message

One of the guys got a message from his wife that changed a bit when the Yeoman transcribed it:

She sent: “Not getting any better, hurry home.”

He got: “Not getting any, better hurry home.”

Crosspost from /r/WTF, seen on a menu

Please disregard if you saw this in /r/wtf.


[Original post](http://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/1wtukn/this_is_printed_in_an_english_menu_at_a_mexican/)


Why do Mexican kids walk around school like they own the place? Because t...

Found some gems in my grandpa's old journal, thought r/jokes would appreciate them...

I'll try and transcribe them the way he writes them down, but it is pretty hard since most of them are written in cursive.

Husband got up early Sunday morning to fly a kite. He is having a hard time, kite is going up and down. Wife is watching from the window in her nighty. Finally, she becom...

Joke my 63 year old British dad just told me...

Two American astronauts zoom off to the moon, they land on the moon safely and hop out of the module. They do some routine work, collecting rock samples, checking temperatures and the like.

Then one of them sees a man in the distance sitting on a deck chair wearing a handkerchief with knots o...

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