
What do you call a dog with short legs and steel balls?


What do you call a donkey with one short leg?

A wonkey.

Why is the priest glad Little Johnny has such short legs?

Because he always ends up asking to have his stool pushed in.

Why wasn't the rancher stressed when his cows had really short legs?

The steaks were low.

The doctors have designed a special shoe to make up for my short leg. I didn’t think it would work, but I tried it out.

I stand corrected.

The Kinsey Institute once conducted a study on men's preferences for women's physical attributes.

5% of men reported liking long legs. 5% of liked short legs. And the other 90% liked something in between.

Three farm boys were looking for a wife, when a girl moved in next door....

She had hair like sunshine, a smile like a new morning, and was beautiful and perfect in every way - except for one flaw. She had one leg substantially shorter than the other, and she walked kind of tilted over because of it. The first boy came to call, and asked her to marry him. She said "If you c...

what's ET short for?

He's got short legs.

How do you get dragon milk?

From a cow with really short legs.

Guy: hey kid, is this river deep?

Kid: no, not at all.
Guy: *steps into the water and almost drown. Gets back to the kid. You said it’s shallow! I almost drowned!
Kid: There must be something wrong with your legs, because I just saw a du...

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