I was watching A New Hope on my felt couch the other day...
When I suddenly let rip a massive fart, so big that it caused the fabric to ruck up and fold over itself.
I forced a great disturbance in the felt.
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An American Priest and a British Man Walk into a Bar
The priest turns to the man and asks, “What do you do for a living?”
The man replies, “I’m a hooker.”
The priest fearing the worst asks, “What does that mean?”
The man replies, “Well father, I ruck big men, and play with balls.”
The priest replies, “So yo...
Black eyes
A guy arrives at work with two black eyes. His colleagues quite naturally asked what happened. He explained, I was in an elevator with a gal in front of me that had her skirt rucked up in her crack. So I pulled it out and patted her skirt smooth for her. She then turned around and socked me in my ri...
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