
In a parallel Universe

Hey Will your slap is so weak you should let your wife's other husbands do it

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NASA found evidence of a parallel universe where time runs backwards.

But we already knew about West Virginia.

Parallel universes are a cool concept

but there’s no way I could park in one.

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There are 3,141,592 parallel universes where I have sex with yo momma..

Strangely enough in every single one of them she’s so fat...

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I'm sick and tired of scandals always being named “-gate”

The only thing about it that consoles me is there's a parallel universe where Watergate Hotel was instead named after John Hancock.

I heard this one from a friend...

A blonde enters a parallel universe where the Aryan's are considered a minority. She walks into an appliance store, approaches the man behind the counter, and says "I'd like that TV please." The cashier replies "Sorry, we don't serve blondes."

The next day, she woke up, filled her hair with c...

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