
A Texan, Donald Trump, and a New Mexican are walking along when they stumble upon a gold lamp...

They all immediately grab for it, and each get a hand on it.

As they each struggle to take it from the other two, a genie pops out. The genie says, "You have woken me from my slumber, and I shall give you three wishes. Since you each have a hand on the lamp, you will get one wish a piece."...

What do you call a New Mexican girl who's a little weird?


Have you guys tried out the new Mexican white wine yet?

It’s a Pinot Gringo

Did you hear about the new Mexican magician?

At the end of his show he says he shall disappear on the count of 3.

"Uno, Dos...(poof) a flash of cloud and he's gone.

He disappeared without a "tres"

There is a new Mexican cheese on the market called potassium sulfur monoxide...

Or just K-SO, for short.

New Mexican word for today: Brief

Today, my homie farted so hard, I could barely brief

Did you hear about the New Mexican woman who stuck a banana up her nose?

Yeah, you've got to admit it, Alba's quirky.

A Texan, a New Mexican, an Idahoan and a Floridian...

A Texan, a New Mexican, an Idahoan and a Floridan take a road trip together. While on the way, they stop to buy groceries. But after they get back onto the road, the Floridian sees the bag of oranges and throws them out of the car.

"We've got so many of those back home that I'm sick of them,...

What happened to the old mexican when he moved from Houston to Santa Fe?

He became a New Mexican


"How did things go organizing a muslim travelling band?"

"Band? Sir, i'm sorry we thought you said ban."

"Ban! That's a bit harsh isn't it? Nevermind, how are things progressing with our new Mexican mall?"

The stupidest joke I'll ever make

An Italian man is married to his American car. They've been having financial problems, but the car wants to do something special for their new Mexican neighbors. The car asks "How about we throw them a party?"

To which the Italian man responds with "No"

"Why Not?" says the car spouse...

Mary and Sue are discussing good-looking boys in their high school.

Mary asks "Have you seen that new Mexican kid Amal Garcia?"

"Garcia?" Sue responds. "No, but I think I've seen his brother Juan"

Mary replies "They're identical twins. If you've seen Juan, you've seen Amal!"

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