sodium hydroxidehominycausticalkalipotashcaustic sodacornstarchleachingcorrosivebasemembranesolutioncuringolivegrain

Don't lye.

It makes you basic.
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Someone just threw sodium hydroxide at me.

Actually, no they didn't. That's a lye.
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a lathered-up mob ...

a mob gathered outside the soapmaker's cottage accusing, "those barrels in your cellar, we know what they are, we know what you've been up to - those barrels contain fats rendered from our missing townsfolk you've been murdering all these years!"  

the soapmaker protested, "those are lyes, th...
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A military officer by the name of Major Bed had arrived in Thailand for an undercover job...

For the job to be an utmost success, he needed to get plastic surgery to change his identity a bit as well as a new ID. He found a renowned doctor who also made fake ID's and made an appointment for the next day.

After he made the appointment, he had the full day to fuck around so he decided ...

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Whats the problem with Sodium Hydroxide bitches?

They're always lyeing.

Handcrafted soap is the best

No lye.
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My friend said he doesn't believe that soap works.

He said it was all a lye.
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What would happen to Pinocchio if he said "my nose is going to grow" he would be telling a lie so his nose would then grow,but because it is growing it would make Pinocchio's statement true which would mean that his nose won't grow or might stop growing, but then again because it will stop growing i...

Why should you never trust what it says on a bar of soap?

They always lye.
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I could tell you that sodium hydroxide is a liquid out of solution.

But then that would be a lye.
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Fairly Dry, Fairly Dark

I honestly don't think people should be covering up their bodies. I don't think people should hide their bodies away from society. No. I think that people need to dispose of their bodies safely, with Lye or perhaps some sort of Acid. Because really, any evidence is too much evidence these days.
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