
I live life on the edge...

Of poverty.

A man once said "you should live life on the edge"

Then he fell off his bed

I asked my cat how he's able to live life so adventurously...

...he told me you just have to live in the meow.

According to Carl Jung, I should live life like a kleptomaniac hooker...

...and take things as they come.

My grandmother always says, "live life to the fullest each and every day because tomorrow you could walk out your front door and be hit by a bus."

She's a bus driver though, so I'm not really sure what to make of this.

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A guy with a 25 inch penis asked to God ...

Guy: My penis is too long. I can't live life like this.

God: Go to the pond near your home and ask the frog there to marry you. You'll lose 5 inches of your penis if she says "NO"

Guy proposed to the frog and she said "No". He lost 5 inches. He tried it again and he lost ...

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