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Hugo is the cleanest person on earth...

I haven't met him yet, but I always hear people tell me "Please clean as Hugo"
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Hugo meets a fantastic girl, and - curiously - she agrees to go on a date with him

Soon, Hugo and Phyllida are an item. They go to parties together, concerts, long walks on Sunday. It's great.

Then one day, Hugo is out shopping with his big sister Roberta, and he remembers that Phyllida works in the big menswear shop in town.

He's a bit anxious about mixing business...
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I got some black and white tattoos done in shapes a few years ago, and anytime my wife gets upset she just lies on me and colours them in...

I guess sometimes, she just needs a shoulder to crayon.

Credit u/HugoZHackenbush2
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I have a Sidney Powell joke

>!but Hugo Chavez stole it!<
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Have you ever read...

Have you ever read "The Great Leap" by Hugo Furst?
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What was the name of the second man to ever parachute from a plane?

Hugo First
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So during World War 2, a lot of experiments took place on the front lines;

*Doctor Heinfeld*, a leading researcher in Engineering and Biology at the front, wanted to test a new mechanical heart he had engineered, and offered a clockwork heart he had engineered to a then-dieing solider, named *Hugo*, who took it without hesitation.

Later on, Hugo (now fully recovered...
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What did Gandalf say to Elrond as he watched him make a basket?

There Hugo Weaving again.
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What's the name of the scared sky diver?

Hugo First
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