
This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Tina and ted

Tina and Ted got into their bed, Said Ted to Tina "It's time for some head." "Head in the bed?" is what Tina said, "Before we're both dead," is what Ted next said.

So Tina did suck and Tina did lick, And into her palm then Tina did spit, She polished his crank like a hitch made of chrome, And...

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Going for a swim

Credit goes to my Dad for telling me this joke (thanks dad)

A man swims in a lake and passes a sign that says "No swimming beyond this point" The man shrugs it off and keeps swimming in the lake passing the sign. After a little while he feels something grab him by his balls and is dragged und...

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Jeff was running late for a union meeting, and really needed to take a dump.

Finding the men's room clogged, he went up a floor in the auditorium, to find another bathroom. When he got up the stairs, he found a long hallway, leading to a door.

He opened the door, and found himself in a dimly lit attic.

His stomach gurgled, just as he spotted some light comin...

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