civetmammalviverrinegenetta genettamongooseshrewfamilydiplomatistdramatistdiplomatnovelistplaywrightgenettaquadrupedcitizen genet

Why did the horse want to study genetics

Because he liked DN-neigh
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I'm not sure I believe all this stuff about genetically modified food being bad for you...

I feel fine and I just had a really tasty leg of salmon...
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Diarrhea is genetic

It runs in your jeans
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Guy at a grocery store: Are those genetically modified eggplants?

Store worker: Why do you ask?

Eggplant: Yeah, why do you ask?
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In an African tribe village, the chieftain's wife gave birth to a white skinned child.

The chieftain quickly figured the voluntary doctor from Europe might be to blame. So the chieftain asked him to talk in his tent.

Chieftain: "Today my wife gave birth to a white child. She and I are dark skinned. You are white. It doesn't take a doctor to figure out that you have slept with ...
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"Should I be concerned about eating genetically modified tomatoes?"

Tomato: "No"
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I passed my genetic engineering exam, with flying koalas

Am I over Koalafied
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Did you know their genetically modifying prostitutes? NSFW

They're called GMHoes.

Did you ever hear the one about the foster kid who became a genetic engineer specializing in hybrid beans?

He’s still looking for his biological fava.
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Score one for genetics

Good golf story: Dad hits one into a gully. He sees the ball about ten feet down. He goes to get his ball retrieval tool. I already have mine out and am sliding the extensions out. He puts his back in the bag and says, "yours is longer than mine."
Me: "Mom's side of the family."
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Scared of eating genetically modified fruit?

Grow a pear.
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If semen is just genetic information...

Then my hand must qualify as a CIA interrogator.

What do you call a genetically engineered cow?

A Mootant
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Dave: Excuse me, sir, is this carrot genetically modified?

Clerk: No, why do you ask?

Carrot: No, really, why do you ask?
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So my genetics professor reported this morning that diarrhea has a genetic basis

According to her, it runs in our jeans.
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Why did the genetically modified chicken taste better than the regular one?

It was CRISPR!
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Where in the fridge do you store your genetic experiments?

In the CRISPR drawer.
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I have a sister, and I love genetics.

So whenever she steps on my toe accidentally, I say “Ow, you stepped on mitosis!”
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Why was the first person to have their eyes genetically edited so pleased?

Well, who wouldn’t want CRISPR vision?
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What do you call a genetic engineering company in Italy?

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They say mental illness is genetic

I know my kids make me crazy
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Me: I just got the results of my genetic testing, and I'm shocked.

Dad: Hi shocked, I'm dad.

Me: No, you're not.
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Say what you will about genetically modified animals

At least were should get CRISPR bacon!
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Did you know lactose intolerance is a genetic thing?

Runs in the family.
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Plant scientists have used genetic engineering to create a new variety of orange.

The novel navel.
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I had a genetic test done...

I learned brave men run in my family
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Why are all the good Genetic Scientists from NZ?

They've been mixing human and sheep DNA for centuries
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Why did the recessive gene decide to enter genetic therapy?

It wanted to learn how to express itself.
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What Sound Does a Genetically Modified Cow Make?

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My wife went off on a guy on Twitter and said he was demonstrating his Neanderthal genetics

I recommended she should avoid *ad hominin* attacks
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What would you get if you genetically crossed a rabbit and an oyster?

Your funding taken away and a call from the ethics board.
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A lemon, a potato, and a pea all had a tough week working at the grocery store...

...so they decided to let off some steam with a bar crawl at the weekend.

They had a great time, hitting bar after bar, knocking back drinks, but being so genetically different, the alcohol affected them each in different ways: the lemon got very acidic and refluxy; the potato, being a big st...

Scientists find a man immune to Covid-19 because of a genetic mutation

They conclude that 1/2 of the population in Alabama are immune to Covid-19.
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An 80 year old man goes in for a physical

And the doctor tells him, "You're in terrific health, you're healthier than most 40 year olds, what do you contribute your exceptional health to?"

And the man replies"Turkey hunting, every morning I walk in the mountains and go turkey hunting."

"Well maybe genetics has something to do ...
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OC joke: How to differentiate if a person is a genetics expert or a BDSM enthusiast?

Ask them the opposite of 'dominant'
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What happens when you leave a genetically modified baby in the womb too long?

They come out a little bit CRISPR!
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A genetic botanist doesn't show up to the church picnic.

Her concerned husband finds her in her lab working feverishly on a new pesticide resistant strain of maize.

"Aren't you coming to the congregation picnic?". He asks.

"Screw them and their impossible deadlines! They told me I have until today to get the corn bred!"
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If you genetically edit the DNA of lettuce...

... you can make it CRISPR

Not mine... I read it off Twitter
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My grandfather was told a joke about genetics

My dad didnt get it, but I did.
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Being genetically engineered, evaluated, selected, and trained from birth to be a super-soldier...

before being deployed to a fight a technologically inferior foe in a far-off country to secure economic gains for your overseers, then being either left to die or executed for convenience, is either the plot of a dark and kickass dystopian fiction novel, or a technically accurate description of the ...
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What did the genetic engineer say on December 25th?

Merry CRISPRmas!
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Many people tried to stop my genetic engineering projects, but I wasn't discouraged.

Soon, I'll have them eating out of the hand of my palm.
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New genetics study shows that chronic diarrhea may be hereditary

It runs in your jeans.
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Executives at Monsanto have announced an initiative to genetically alter deer for increased movement speed.

Those assholes will do anything to make a quick buck

A very curious customer asked a local tomato farmer if their tomatoes are genetically modified.

"No." Said the farmer "No." Said the tomato
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If you’re genetically predisposed to spelling and grammar errors, does that mean you’re…

…typo positive?
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You’re more genetically related to your parents than they are to each other

Or at least so I hope.
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GMOs are one thing, but I was worried my sandwich meat had a genetic disease...

You know, cause it was in bread.
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Why is "Dick" short for Richard?

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What award did Gregor Mendel receive for his work in the field of Genetics?

The Nobel Peas Prize.
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Where do you keep genetically modified vegetables that cure cancer?

In the CRISPR drawer.
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A week from today, I'm going to an event at a dog genetics testing facility.

It's called the Labor Day Labrador Laboratory.
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How did Alice feel when her doctor told her she is genetically more likely to develop a yeast infection?

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There was a man in Sao Paulo who's intestines were shaped like a number 1 from a rare genetic mutation.

Doctors say the chances of this are 1 in a Brazilian!
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What do you get when you cryogenically freeze a genetic copy of basketball legend Kareem Abdul Jabbar?

An ice Kareem clone
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So, a middle school science class is learning about genetics

and the students are working with recessive and dominant eye colors in punnett squares. A few minutes into the activity one student beckons the teacher over. He has a very concerned look on his face.

The teacher is a little worried. This has happened before. Every once in a while a stud...
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I don't always feel like I won the genetic lottery, but when I do...

I'm at Wal-mart.
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An objective analysis of the correlation between genetics and obesity.

A doctor is telling an obese woman that she needs to start losing weight.

The woman, offended, replies defensively, "It's not my fault! Obesity runs in my family!"

The doctor looks her up and down, and finally says, "*Nobody* runs in your family."
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An Irishman, an Englishman, and a Scotsman get a genetic test

He was surprised by the results.
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A mother and a son walk into a doctor's office

Because the son has been doing very poorly in his classes.

The mother says to the doctor "I think my son has become stupid."

The doctor says in reply "How do you suppose that would happen?"

"I'm sure it had something to do with those vaccines he got last year." said the mom....
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I would have gotten As in all my classes last semester if it weren't for Genetics

Why do I have to have such idiots for parents
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Scientists have genetically modified a Venus Fly Trap to have the skin of a cactus

They say its bark is worse than its bite.
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What do you get when you cross a horse with a goat?

You get a letter from the ethics committee and a stern reminder about responsible genetic experimentation!
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There was once a psych researcher with a rare genetic defect that gave her four buttocks.

She was fired for being bi-assed.

Paleontologists have determined that there once was a genetic mutation millions of years ago that resulted in the creation of a five-legged dinosaur.

As far as we know, this is the first evidence ever seen of a reptile dysfunction.
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What do you get when you cross a bat and a man?

A ban. Specifically, a lifetime ban from the genetics labs, as well as a visit from the ethics committee.
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Old man goes to a doctor...

Old man, well into his eighties, goes to a doctor for a regular checkup.

The doctor examines him, makes several tests, looks at him and he can't believe what he sees. He says:

"Old man, this can't be true! You're old, but you're healthy as a teenager. No hypertension, no elevated sugar...
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Why did the DNA chain blush?

It was part of his genetic makeup.
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What kind of Bees produce milk?

There is no creature for which this is more true than the honey bee. Amazingly, queen bees are genetically exactly identical to worker bees. But they’re fed a different diet from worker bees their whole lives, from the time they are tiny larvae, until the day they die. This different meal plan cause...

Lady goes to the market to buy potatoes.

Lady: excuse me, sir, but are these potatoes genetically modified?

Grocer: probably, but what's it to you?

Potato: yeah, what's it to you?
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A guy with an extremely long dick went his doctor for a medical.

The doctor said, "That's possible the longest dick I've ever seen!"
The guy said, "My brother's is the same length."
The doctor asked, "is it genetics?"
And the guy say, "Not really, our mother only had one arm and had to get all us kids out of the bath the best way she could."

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What do you call it when a guy cums all over a girls face?

Genetic makeup

Gustavo was a mad scientist

Gustavo, called “Gus” by his friends and nemeses, was a mad scientist with very peculiar tastes. In particular, he was fond of the flavor of human flesh.

However, he was an ethical mad scientist, so he got his meat via cloning willing subjects.

Over time the number of subjects went dow...
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SUMMER CAMP FOR Husbands. Evening classes for men. Starting this month.

*Summer camp*

Note: due to the complexity and level of difficulty of the content, each course will accept a maximum of eight participants each.

*Topic 1.*
How to fill ice-cube trays and why to fill water bottles before putting them back in the fridge.
Step by step with slide pre...

A guy walks in a supermarket to buy tomatoes

Once he reaches to the tomato stand he asks:

Guy: Are this tomatoes genetically modified?

Tomato: No.
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My cousin has dark hair. His wife is blonde. All four of their kids have light colored hair.

Genetically speaking, there's a 15 in 16 chance that she's cheating.
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A lot of people don’t know that Lisa Kudrow has a bachelor's degree in Biology

She was visiting an old school friend who was doing a research project on the genetics of rats and they were showing her their breeding pairs. “This is the Mama Rat A who has a gene sequence that makes her produce more young, and with her is the Papa Rat A who has a trait that causes him to sire un...
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My older son looks exactly like me

\- That's an example of genetic factor.

My younger son looks like my neighbor.

\- That's an example of social influence.
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My friends job involves cloning the DNA of trains.

But I just call him a genetic engineer.
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The missionary and the black sheep

A young missionary travels to Senegal to teach God's way to a local tribe.

Upon reaching the village, he is not well received by the inhabitants, but he slowly and steadily create contact.
After many years he's finally accepted by the people and goes along well with everyone, until one d...
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A streetwalker was visiting her doctor for a regular check-up. "Any specific problems you should tell me about?" the doctor asked. "Well, I have noticed lately that if I get even the tiniest cut, it seems to bleed for hours," she replied. "Do you think I might be a hemophiliac?" "Well," the doctor a...
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What do you get when you cross an octopus with a cow and a woman?

you get reprimanded, by the department of ethics in genetic research.
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how do you study for a DNA test?

highlight the answers with a genetic marker
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When I was in my tenth grade biology honors class, we were tasting a compound known as PTC. For those of you that don't know PTC is a chemical that you can either taste, super-taste or not taste at all and it depends entirely on genetics. I couldn't taste it but my tablemate Eric (made up name for p...
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What do you get when you cross a duck and a pig?

A media circus that focuses on the morals and ethics of genetic engineering.
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What do you get if you cross an elephant with a rhino?

The Nobel Prize in Genetics.
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My mom suffers from short-term memory loss

I hope it's nothing genetic because I'm worried since my mom suffers from short-term memory loss
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Recently, a group of scientists discovered...

a subclass of ant has a genetic mutation that makes them grow larger than average, DESPITE missing a jointed segment on their legs. This same mutation also causes them to have an aversion to dairy-based foods, even with their high based sugar content.

TL;DR lack-toes-in-taller-ants
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WW2: an Italian officer, an imperial Japanese officer and a German officer got captured

They all sit in a cell and wait to be interrogated by the Allies.
The German says: "My superior genetics will let me withstand every torture! I won't tell them anything!"
The Japanese says: "I will never dishonor my country and tell them our secrets!"
The Italian says: "I guess I'm fucked."...

So, tensions with Russia flair up...

... And the Cold War reignites. With both the USA and Russia standing on the brink of total nuclear annihilation, the leaders decide to meet. Both agree that nothing on earth is worth an apocalypse, so they decide to end things once and for all; with a winner-takes-all dogfight. Both sides have 5 ye...
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