whiplashlambastebeatcanebeat upstraptrounceclobberslashlatherlambastweltscourgeflagellate

I used to be into sadism, bestiality and necrophilia!

But then I figured I was just flogging a dead horse.

A salesman was traveling through the country side, flogging insect repellent.

He came to a farmhouse and tried his pitch on the farmer.
“Sir, my bug spray is so good you will never be bitten again. I guarantee it.”
The farmer was dubious.
“Young man, I’ll make you a proposition. I’ll tie you out in my cornfield buck naked, covered with that bug spray.
If there is ...

It looks like you are all tired of seeing me post about my kinks of sadism, zoophilia and necrophilia

I feel like I am just flogging a dead horse.

Africans arrested in Saudi Arabia

A Togolese, Nigerian and a Ghanaian were arrested for drinking alcohol in Saudi Arabia.

The three of them were dragged in front of one of the princes, who said:

“You will get 50 lashes for the consumption of alcohol. However, since you are foreigners and did not know about the ...

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A man goes to see a psychologist about his fetishes

The psychologist asks “so what is your problem?”

The man replies “well doctor, I’m into flagellation, beastiality, and necrophilia.”

“I’m sorry, I can’t help you,” says the doctor, “you’re flogging a dead horse.”

My friend is addicted to S&M, bestiality and necrophilia.

I’ve tried to help him but it’s like flogging a dead horse...

Really old joke but I’ve never seen it on here, so...

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If you're a necrophiliac sadomasochist who enjoys beastiality...

You may as well give it up, you're flogging a dead horse.

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