
How did the pharmaceutical company make big money with their line of biotics?

By making them go pro.

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Guy sitting in the STI specialist's waiting room.

Getting worried and a man he knows walks in, so they sit and talk for a minute. "Man," he said, "Never thought I'd see you in here, you're always so fucking careful. What happened?"

"Nah," the man replies, "Dunno, work up this morning after a night out and I got this real red ring around my ...

Teacher: What is the opposite of antibiotic

Student: Uncle-biotic

So, I’ve been hearing people talk about probiotics and how good they are for you. I don’t buy into it.

I guess you could say I’m anti-biotic.

The Old Coffin

A man was walking home one day after a long day of work. As he was walking, he came up on a old coffin laying on the side of the trail. He thought it was odd because it was a old pine box coffin and he had never seen one in person before. The man shrugged it off and kept walking.

The man kept...

I've heard many things about the benefits of probiotics, but I think they are too expensive . . .

So can anyone recommend any good amateur biotics?

What kind of medicine do Ants use when they have eye problems?

Ant-Eye Biotics

(Dad joke, I know)

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