healthhealthinesstone upbewertbeestwastexistentialhectareabeexistentwerewolfexercisebreathlessnessexcersise

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My doctor told me my heart may not be healthy enough for sex.

But that didn't make him stop.

Husband: I lost my wife, she went shopping and hasn't come back yet

Inspector: What is her height?

Husband: I never checked....

Inspector: Slim or healthy?

Husband: Not slim, can be healthy....

Inspector: Colour of her eyes?

Husband: Never noticed.....

Inspector: Colour of hair?

Husband: Not sure, changes with seasons...

A man walks into a bar and orders 7 shots at once

The bartender brings out the shots and the man downs each one quickly.

The bartender is a little concerned by this and decides to say something

Bartender: "Hey Buddy, why don't you pace yourself a little? That can't be healthy."

Man: "You would be drinking like this to if you ha...

In a grocery store

A man enters a grocery store to buy some vegetables. He is trying to be healthy so he asks an employee there: 'Hello, can you tell me if this carrot is geneticaly modified?'
An employee looks at him and says: 'Yes it is, why do you ask?'
'Yeah, why do you ask?' Asked the carrot.

a guy got lost in the desert!

He was about to die when a woman came with milk in a jar.

The guy drank, thanked the woman and said " I wish your cow to be healthy and well"

Woman: "thank you but I don't have a cow"

Guy: "I wish your Buffalo to be healthy and well then"

Woman: "thank you but I don't ...

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3 men are walking through the desert when they stumble across a lamp. They dust it off and a Genie pops out, the genie says "I will grant each of you 3 wishes!"

The first man says "I wish for a million dollars!" "Alright" says the Genie and just like that a million dollars appears at the man's feet.

The second man says "I wish for unlimited money" "Alright" says the Genie "Check your bank account" The man checks on his phone and sure enough there's a...

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Three pregnant women are sitting in the waiting room of their ob/gyn knitting onesies for their babies.

The first woman puts her needles down, takes a pill from her purse and swallows it.

"What was that?" the other two inquire.

"Iron," she says, "my baby is going to be strong!"

They go back to knitting. After some time has passed the second woman takes a pill from her purse and sw...

Three guys go to Heaven.

At the pearly gates, St Peter asks the first one:

"What did you do on Earth, son?"

I was a lawyer for public interest, i helped people keep their jobs"

"Come in, son!"

"And you?" to the second guy.

"I was a doctor, i helped people be healthy"

"Please come i...

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An old man goes to the doctor for a prescription for Viagra.

The doctor runs some tests and finds him to be healthy enough for sexual activity, and writes him the script. As the old man is leaving the doctor's office he asks if he can cut the pills into fourths. The doctor, a little confused, remarks "I don't think you'll be able to achieve an erection with...

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A hideous little orc is in the kingdom's capital, looking to acquire medicine for his sick mom.

Nobody can stand the sight of him, with some even threatening violence of he doesn't leave.
He finds and alchemist's medicine shop at the market and tells him about his mother's illness.

"Ah, but of course!" says the alchemist, "It's clearly a case of Sakiara Fever. It's not very common at...

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Three men find a lamp...

Three middle aged men are walking along an abandoned beach when they find a golden lamp glistening in the sun. Deciding they have nothing to lose, they decide to rub it and see what happens. In astonishment, they see a genie appear before them.

"Thank you for freeing me from my lamp. To thank...

Loooong, but maybe worth it.

A woman is pregnant in her teens...finally gives birth to two healthy twin boys. She’s young, and destitute, and knows she can’t take care of them or provide for them, and after a bit of soul searching she makes the heartbreaking decision to give the two boys up for adoption. Over the years she kept...

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Three men find a genie [Long]

Three men are walking along when they find a magic lamp. The genie pops out and offers each of them 3 wishes.

The first man instantly shouts “I wish I had a billion dollars!” The genie nods his head and when the man checks his account he sees his balance has increased by 1 billion.
The s...

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