
I just bought the personalized license plate BAA BAA...

For my black jeep...

A sheep, a drum and a snake fell off a cliff…


"Baa" is a fun thing to say.

That's what ewe think.

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Adult Names

A man is driving his five-year-old son to school for his first day.

Suddenly the boy shouts out "Daddy! Daddy! Look at those moo cows in that field."

His father says "Hang on, you're a big boy now, you must use adult names. It's a cow, not a moo cow."

The boy i...

The cow goes moo, the sheep goes baa, the cat goes meow...

...the dog goes Ed...Ward.

Where does the sheep get his hair cut?

The baa baa shop!

What’s a sheep’s favourite holy text?

The Baa-ble.

If cows go moo and sheep go baa, what do pigs say?

I'll make America great again

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A Father is driving home with his child in the back seat

The boy looks out the window and, seeing a field full of cows, excitedly says to his father;

“Dad! Look! Moo moos!”

His father looks angrily in the rear view mirror and says

“They’re not called moo moos! They’re cows! Say it properly!”

The boy replies quietly “cows, dad.”...

What do you call a dancing sheep?

A baa-lerina

What do you get when you put a vibrator in sheep skin rug?

A baa hum rug!

What do you call the horse and sheep who live next door?

Your neigh-baas

What's a sheep's favourite holiday destination?

It's not the Baa-hamas... Its not Baa-li... Its not Baa-arbados...

It's Devon

A guy walks into a sheep pen,

"Hey, where's the baa-tender ?!"

Me and my mate were playing darts

he said "Nearest to bull starts?", I said "Baa," he said "Moo," I said "You're first then."

A cowboy approaches this farmer and asks for a job...

... The farmer tells the cowboy that he has no vacancies - yet if the cowboy could do something special, he might consider.
The cowboy says: „Well, sir, I understand animals.“
„Ha,“ the farmer says, „how many times have I heard that before…“
In this moment, a cow moos from behind a s...

So there's this sheep farmer who had money troubles because he wasn't selling a lot of wool. He decided to sell the meat instead...

...needless to say, things went from baa to wurst.

What do you call a sheep covered in chocolate? –

A candy baa.

What does a sheep need to do to become a lawyer?

Pass the baa-aa-aah!

What's the weather saying today?

Baa, as usual.

Just failed to get a job as a mountain goatherd.

It was a pretty high baa.

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Two Scottish couples

Two Scottish couples decide to swap partners for the night.

After 3 hours of amazing sex, Brian says: "You look exactly like my GF. I hope you had as much fun as I did".

His swap replied - Baa

I went to uni to study aggriculture and cummunication of sheep.

I left with a BAA. Shortly after i started a nationwide census of sheep but fell asleep halfway thru.

What does a radical sheep say?

Allahu Ak-Baa!

Why did Ebenezer shove mints up a sheeps ass?

baa! humbug

How do you know when mutton has expired?

It tastes baa-d.

A lamb, a drum, and a snake are thrown off a cliff one day!

Baaah dummm tssssssss

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Little Johnny's class were talking about animals on farms

"What kind of sound does a cow make?" the teacher asked.

Sarah raises her hand and after being called on says "A cow goes moo!"

"Very good Sarah. Who can tell me what sound a sheep makes?"

Billy raises his hand and after being called on says "A sheep goes baa!"


What is the sheeps market called?

The Baa-zar.

A mother had three sons: Leaf, Feather and Brick.

Leaf came one day to his mom and said: "Mom, why did you call me Leaf?"

"Well son, ", replied his mom, "When you were born a leaf fell on your head and it was so cute and I couldn't hold myself from naming you like that".

Years passed and Feather came one day to his mom and said: "Mom...

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