avast antiviruschinapraguelistenharkunheardhearerhearkenhearoverhearandroideavesdropunheededlistenerobey

A pirate walks into a doctor's surgery.

"Avast, sawbones," he growls, "I wants ye to look at the moles on me back. I think they might be of the cancerin' kind."

The doctor has a look at the pirate's back.
"It's OK," he says, "they're benign."

"Arrr... look again," says the pirate, "I'm pretty sure there be ten."

They could reboot the Fast and Furious franchise movies as Pirate movies and call them Avast ye Furious

Because they should stop and not do that

What's a pirate's favorite antivirus?

# Avast!

Are you a Pirate but afraid of Malware?

Avast, ye scurvy dogs

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Pirate pick-up lines

“I must be huntin’ treasure, ’cause I’m diggin’ yer chest.”

“Ya certainly put the shiver in me timber.”

“See this hook? Variable speed with five alternate attachments, Baby.”

“Nice poop deck on ya, lassie. Care fer a swabbin’?”

“Avast, me pretty! Strike your panties and p...

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