An engineer dies and stands before St. Peter at the gates of heaven. After going through all his records, St. Peter finds that the man must go to hell. The engineer complains, as he's always been loyal to his wife and friends, never stolen, and always tried to lead a good life.
"I'll take i...
Yo mama so dumb,
she tripped over the wireless network.
Russian archeologists made a big discovery
As they dug a 100 meter deep hole, they found old copper wires. They made a big, worldwide announcement that the Russians were an advanced species. Even 1000 years ago they already had a copper network.
The Americans couldn't cope with the Russians being advanced longer than the Americans, so...
Respect the dead
A young man went to a funeral. While being there he noticed that the church had a wireless network.
Hey, what is the wifi password?
A sad relative said:
Respect the dead!
And the boy asked:
All in lowercase?
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