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I prefer to watch movies in the cinema

Without movies it's just a boring room full of people I don't know.

Where do mermaids go to watch movies?

The dive in.

Why don't alligators watch movies?

Because they live in swamps.

Why aren’t children allowed to watch movies about green ogres?

Because of all the Shrexual content.

A man buys a robot that slaps people when they tell a lie.

He decides to test it on his family at dinner that night.

The man asked his son, "Son, what did you do after school today?"

The son replied, "Oh, I just did some homework" and the robot slapped the son.

The son said, "Okay I actually watched a movie with my friends".

The ...

I almost never watch movies my stoner friends tell me to watch

Even though they come highly recommended.

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I used to watch movies with my friend when we’re growing up.

One thing I don’t really get is how he used to adore who I hate. Johnny in The Karate Kid, Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter, Gaston in Beauty and the Beast. They are the definition of a bully.

He just came out last week. No wonder he likes assholes, he’s gay.

I never watch movies with a score 9/10 or higher.

They're always overeighted.

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