factorialfunctionmathematicscomputer sciencealgorithmicsetnatural numberrecursionfractaldeterministicmonotoniciterativedisjunctiveinvariantpolymorphic

Recursive function

> **recursive_joke**( ***redditor*** ){

>> if ( **joke_is_funny_to**( ***redditor*** ) == true ) {

>>> *// if the joke is funny*

>>> **please_upvote_and_comment**( ***redditor*** );

>>} else {

>>> *// if the jok...
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A professor is teaching Computer Science 101...

A professor is teaching computer science 101 and gets to the topic of recursion, but after reading his prepared notes, one of his students seems particularly perplexed and questions the teacher.

"I don't understand, you said a recursive algorithm one that calls itself?" The student asks.
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Finish this sentence: I like my coffee like I like my _____.

I like my coffee like I like my coffee: recursive.
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yo mama so fat

that a recursive algorithm to calculate her mass suffers from a stack overflow error before completion.
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

A love story

A Love Story

Micro was a real time user and a dedicated multi-user. His broad-band protocol made it easy for him to interface with numerous input/output devices, even if it meant time sharing.

One evening Micro arrived home just as the sun was crashing. He had parked his Motorola ...

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