What is the deal with Egyptian pharaohs and people that eat beans?
I hear they have a Tutankhamon
What operating system did the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs use?
What do drug addicts and pharaohs have in common?
De Nile
What’s the similarity between a man with an upset stomach and a list of ancient Egyptian pharaohs?
>!They both have a toot in common!<
Who was the heaviest of the Pharaohs?
King Two-ton-khamen.
When people around me complain about my flatulence I explain to them that it puts me on the same level as the great Pharaohs of old....
Because we have a Tutanhkhamun.
Who are the greatest financiers in the bible?
Noah, all his stock was afloat when the rest of the world was in liquidation, and Pharaohs' daughter, who went to the bank and found a little prophet.
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