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What did one Egyptian say to the other when they farted at the same time?

Looks like we've got a Tutankhamen.

What do you call a Pharoah that rarely farts?


(Toot uncommon)

Why were the gassy mummies such great friends?

They had Tutankhamen.

Tutankhamen: If you find ten guys to help, I'll cut you in on a slice of the treasure

Slave: This sounds like a pyramid scheme

Tutankhamen: A what?

what did the two Egyptian dude say when they had the same fart sound?

Hey bro we have a Tutankhamen!

How do you enter an ancient Egyptian burial chamber?

You just give a Tutankhamen.

What do you call it when a pair of Egyptians fart simultaneously?

A Tutankhamen

Two archaeologists are excavating an ancient Egyptian tomb

Suddenly both archaeologists let out loud farts in unison. They turn to each other and one says, “Hmm, it seems that we have a Tutankhamen”

Are you a fan of King Tut?

Me too! Well, at least we have Tutankhamen

2 Egyptians noticed their farts smelled the same.

They had a Tutankhamen.

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