theseusdaedalusgreek mythologyariadneposeidonicarusmedusaunicorncharioteervalkyrieminosancient greekasteriondionysuscretan bull

Never believe minotaurs...

Half of everything they say is bull.
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I choose to believe in female minotaurs.

I have a lass-half-bull mindset.
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What do you call a small Minotaur?

A Minitaur.
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What do you call a Minotaur in a playground?

A swing and a myth.
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What did the Minotaur order at Starbucks?

Half calf
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How long does it take a minotaur to make waffles?

Just a minute or two!
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"Hey, graduate student Minotaur, what are you up to today?"

"Not much, just working on my Theseus."
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This joke may contain profanity. πŸ€”

Why was the Minotaur a social outcast?

Because he’s so horny

How did ancient Greeks keep tabs on their infants while they slept at night?

They used a baby minotaur.
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A thirsty man comes to a bar, but the bouncer is a centaur and won't let him in.

The centaur says, "This bar is for hybrid creatures only. For example, my father was a man and my mother was a horse. I just let in a griffin because his father was a lion and his mother was an eagle."

The man thinks fast and says, "OK, then let me in. My father was the Minotaur, and my mothe...
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Did you know mythological creatures have their own dentist's office?

It's true, I saw it today and they were suuuuuuper busy! The waiting room was packed, and every time the orderly would come out to call in another patient, the half-man-half-horse would get all excited; "is it my turn now? oh, pick me, pick me!" and all that jazz. Of course, every time it was actual...
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I'm AMAZED by mythology. I'll tell you about my favorite tales...

if you have a minotaur two. (amazed... get it?)
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