physical fitnessoverweightwork outwarm upslim downbody mass indexobeseunderweightcachexiametabolismweight trainthinslimreducegain

A very heavy blond went to the clinic to lose weight.

The doctor told her to eat what she normally ate for three days and then skip a day. He told her she would have lost at least 4 pounds till the next month.

She came back four weeks later, 30 pounds lighter! The doctor looked at her surprised and said "How do you feel now?"

Blonde: "I a...

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A fat man wants to lose weight...

A fat man is looking for a way to lose weight. He has already tried all kinds of slimming diets and fitness programs, but they didn't work for him. One day, he comes across an ad that says: "New revolutionary method - weight loss 100% guaranteed. Satisfied or your money back!"
He thinks: "Since ...

My husband once bought me a dress two sizes too small to encourage me to lose weight so I could fit into it.

When he gave me the dress, he said that he was "looking forward to seeing you in it."

So for his birthday, I bought him a coffin.

I spoke with a personal trainer about things I could do to help me lose weight, and he suggested I try a medicine ball.

I hate to have to tell him but I did, but no matter what I do or how much water I drink, I just can't swallow it.

300 lb man decides to lose weight one day.

A 300 lb man decides he is tired of being so fat and wants to lose weight. So he gets on the Internet and finds a program that claims you can lose 10lbs in 2 weeks or your money back.

So he orders the program, and the very next day there is a knock on his door. He opens it up and there is a ...

How did Sauron lose weight?

He ate in Mordoration

White girl : So this crystal cures my depression and helps me lose weight?

Me holding a rock of meth : YES!!!

A lady went to the doctor because she had been struggling to lose weight.

She had tried all kinds of diets and pills and exercise programs with no success. The doctor said, "don't worry; I have a special remedy that is sure to work. Just eat a small piece of sesame cracker with unsweetened tea three times a day for three weeks. Then check in with me on your progress."

Easily lose weight by cutting these two things out of your diet:

Breakfast and dinner.

My dad told me this joke please laugh.

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Paddy’s doctor was telling him that he really needed to lose weight.

Paddy was insisting that he was a healthy weight and the doctor was wrong.
Doctor: When was the last time you saw your penis?
Paddy: It’s been a while.
Doctor: You really need to diet.
Paddy: What color is it now?

The reason why many Americans don't eat healthy, is because eating healthy would cause you to lose weight.

And America never loses

Where is the best place in Europe to lose weight?

An English Casino. You can lose hundreds of pounds in a few minutes.

It's so hard to lose weight

When you have an overactive knife and fork!

You can lose weight by putting sliced bread on your head.

It's a loaf-hat-diet.

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Went to the doctors and asked, "What's the best exercise to lose weight?"

He said, "just shake your head"

I said, "How often?"

He replied, "whenever someone offers you food you fat cunt!"

Why doesn't DJ Khaled lose weight?

Becauses he never loses, he always wins.

I could easily lose weight

but momma raised no loser.

The best way to lose weight is to eat naked in front of a mirror.

The restaurant will ask you to leave before you can eat too much.

I asked a dietician for one tip on how to lose weight

Dietician: don't eat anything fatty

Me: thanks

Dietician: you're welcome fatty

What Type of Drink Makes you Lose Weight?

Lighter fluid

Want to know that fastest way to lose weight?


You'd think that walking around an entire island would make me lose weight.

But no, it's in my kitchen.

I'm on a no seafood diet to lose weight

It's low crab.

Who says you can't lose weight by hitting the gym?

Last week I brought an annual membership. I lost 7 pounds ever since because I ran out of money to buy food.

When telling a fat man to lose weight you should not sugar coat it

Because he will eat that too

What do fat ghosts need to do to lose weight?


Why can't redditors lose weight?

Because their diet is mostly copypasta.

How to lose weight

- Doctor, I'm fat, how do I lose weight?
- Just move your head from left to right and from right to left.
- How many times , doctor ?
- Every time someone offers you food.

How to lose weight.

When I lost 104 pounds, people asked me how I did it.

I asked “Do you think you can lose one pound?” They said sure. Anyone can do that.

I told them “thats all I know how to do. I lost one pound every week, for 2 years. One pound at a time.”

True story.

A guy tries to lose weight

There is an overweight guy who is watching TV. A commercial comes on for a guaranteed weight loss of 10 pounds in a week. So the guy, thinking what the hell, signs up for it. Next morning an incredibly beautiful woman is standing at his door in nothing but a pair of running shoes and a sign about he...

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A fat man wanted to lose some weight

So he goes to the fitness and asks what he can do to lose weight fast.

The clerck tells him about a very effective program and the prices:

* Lose 10 kg for $100
* Lose 20 kg for $200
* Lose 30 kg for $300

The man wasn't sure it will work so he bought the cheapest one. He...

Calling your wife a “cow” won’t encourage her to lose weight.

Heifer go to the gym

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Did you know semen makes women lose weight?

It's true! I just ejaculated on a fat woman at the park and she started running!

Everytime i lose weight

I find it again in the refrigerator

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A very fat man wants to lose weight

A very fat man wants to lose weight. After many failed attempts, he sees an ad:

Lose weight with pleasure!! Guaranteed results!!

Three diferrent packages:
Begginer: 20 pounds in 5 days
Intermediate: 40 pounds in 3 days
Advanced: 60 pounds in only 1 day!

My sister wanted to lose weight so she ran 3-5 km a day for 2 months.

She's now in Mexico

My wife said if I don't lose weight then she'll file for a divorce.

Who wants to come over for a pizza tonight?

I tried to lose weight but I'm still fat

Didnt work out

You look awesome! Did you lose weight?

Did you just call me fat and ugly retrospectively?

My Wife decided to take up running to lose weight:

She said to me I am going to run 7 miles every day to lose weight.

I thought, great, in two weeks she will be 98 miles away:

A guy goes to his doctor and asks: "How do I lose weight?"

The doctor replies: "You need to get up early."

"Early in the morning?"

"No, from the dinner table."

Can getting struck by lightning help you lose weight?

The answer may shock you

Apparently beer helps you lose weight??

It made Bud light.

Why can British people lose weight faster?

Because every time they buy something, they lose some pounds!

How to lose weight in one step?

Step 1: step down from the weighting machine

I finally told my wife she had to lose weight

The first day, I couldn’t see anything.
The second day, I couldn’t see anything.
But on the third day, that third day I was able to open my eyes enough and was released from the hospital

I got my wife an amazing new lipstick that makes you lose weight.

It's called "Superglue".

My wife asked me to provide her with encouragement as she attempts to lose weight next year.

I said, “Don’t worry. It’ll be a piece of cake.”

Fat man decides to lose weight...

Tried every diet, yet nothing works. Later, while browsing he sees some ad, saying "Lose 20kg in an hour!". Being desperate, he gives that company a call, they reply, saying that they gonna come to his house tomorrow.

Tommorow comes, door bell rings, fat man opens the door only to see an ins...

My wife wanted me to lose weight, so I dropped 120 pounds

But she got right back up again. She can take a hell of a punch, my wife.

The doctor told me to watch what I eat if I wanted to lose weight.

I stare at my extra large pepperoni pizza with a Diet Coke for at least an hour before I scarf it down and I haven't lost a pound.

An overweight guy goes to a fitness club

An overweight guy decides to go to a fitness club to sign up to lose weight. After signing up, the fitness coach asks him to go home and be ready early in the morning.

The next morning, his doorbell rings. He opens the door and standing there is a super hot girl. She tells him,” If you can ca...

I've been trying to lose weight, and my doctor said I should stop having intimate dinners for 4..

...unless there are 3 other people with me.

(Likely source for this is Orson Wells, and it's a loose quote)

Did you hear about the criminal who wanted to lose weight to fit into smaller clothes?

Last I heard, he was still at large.

A friend of mine suggested I stop drinking beer and drink hard liquor to lose weight

figured it was worth a shot, so I bought two

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I have been trying to lose weight so I've been keeping my junk food in the basement.

This makes it cellary.

water can solve all your problems, want to lose weight, drink mor water, want to wake up, splash want water on your face, someone getting on your nerves,

drown them

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