
My wife told me I was immature and needed to grow up.

Guess who's not allowed in my tree house anymore.
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How can you tell if you have a mature or an immature sense of humor?


If I had a dollar for every time someone called me immature

I’d have so many hotwheels
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My girlfriend told me that she's leaving because I'm too immature...

Good luck with that, the floor's made of lava.
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A teacher asks the children in her class what they done at the weekend...

"I went out for the day, and rode on the choo choo", said Billy.

"Billy", said the teacher, "we don't use childish and immature language in my class. You rode on a train... Steve?"

"My dad and I went go-karting but I crashed and got a boo boo", said Steve.

"Steve, I just said we...

My girlfriend left me 6 weeks ago because she thinks I'm immature. Now I'm all alone on Christmas day and crying my eyes out

because Santa didn't come.
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My girlfriend said I'm too immature for her.

"If I'm immature, how come I've got an Arsfor?"

She said "What's an Arsfor?"

"Shitting!" I said, and giggled for 20 minutes.

My girlfriend is very immature.

When I am taking a bath, she always tries to sink my boats.
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Childish immature jokes are the best

* Step 1: say "eye"
* Step 2: spell the word "map"
* Step 3: say "nus"
* Now say that all together...
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I swear to god if my girlfriend calls me immature one more time...

She's never getting her nose back.
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My wife accused me of being immature in the bathroom

Hell’ She’s the one who keeps sinking my rubber ducks
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A woman passes out while giving birth to her twins leaving her immature, witty brother to name them.

She wakes up and immediately asks her brother what he named her new born girl. He replies,"Denise". Surprised she says,"That's a beautiful name, what about my baby boy"? He responds with a grin from ear to ear, "Denephew".
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Which sausages are the most immature?

The brats.
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My wife says I act really immature and need to grow up

I told her to get the hell out of my pillow fort with that negative attitude
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Who’s Immature?

My wife accused me of being immature. I set down my action figures, pointed at the door and said ‘get out of my secret lair’
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A little immature...

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Europe who?

No! You're a poo!
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My gf is so immature.

She walks into the bathroom while I'm taking a bath,totally unannounced,and sinks all of my boats.Is it just me,or is that just totally immature.I was thinking about telling her mom.
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Only the immature will laugh

A sausage and an egg are frying in a pan.
"It's a bit too hot in here for me, mate." The sausage says to the egg.
The egg screams, "Ahh! A talking sausage!"
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On a scale of 1 to 100 how immature are you?

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The great thing about Reddit and internet forums is that they're ageless. As long as teenagers act mature and adults act immature.

And if you don't agree you're stupid.
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Here's an immature Christmas joke my older brother told me when we were kids...

It's Christmas eve and Santa is delivering presents. In one house, a young woman is waiting for him when he climbs down the chimney. She says to him "Santa, will you stay?" And he says "Ho ho ho, Santa's gotta go, I got presents to deliver you know". "Well, if I take off my gown will you stay?" and ...
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How many immature people does it take to screw in a light bulb?

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Immaturity defined

Husband says to marriage counselor:
"My wife is so immature."
"Can you give me an example?" the counselor asked.
"Well, like every time I'm taking a bath she comes in and sinks all my ships."
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How many immature people does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Hehe... 'screw'

Alternatively: 69, but everyone expects that one.
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my wife was so immature..

i'd be at home in the bath and she'd come in and sink all my boats
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Some people might say that fart jokes are immature

But I assure you, there's a methane to the madness
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As a child, I was so immature. I'd spend any spare change on Hotwheels cars, then crash them and around like an idiot.

But now I've really matured.

I now any spare change on Hotwheels cars, then display them on my shelf
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Graduations are so immature

You can hardly get to the end without name calling
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My wife accused me of being immature and having an overactive imagination...

Well, what does she know, she's just a smurf.
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My girlfriend keeps calling me immature. I guess the saying is true.

You are what you eat.
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I finally convinced mom to watch anime to prove it's not childish and immature at all.

But it's weird to watch hentai with your parents.
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Tell me if this isn't immature. I'm in the bathtub,minding my own business,and my girlfriend comes in, totally unannounced...

And sinks all of my boats and my rubber ducky! Immature,huh?
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Little known fact...

The first time whale semen was studied by a marine biologist was actually at the request of one particular sperm cell. The following conversation took place.

Sperm: I just want to be taken seriously. I think that reproductive cells are an easy target for crude humor made by the mindless immat...

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There are some things that come with a baby

An immature asshole is one of them

My ex broke up with me

My ex broke up with me because I , apparently , was too immature ...
I took a deep breath and calmed down.
Then I went to her house , rang the doorbell and ran away.
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Almost immediately after making my first joke here, I got a brand new follower!

I was very excited, so I went to their profile. I think they're a new account, they only have one post, and when I clicked on the link in the post, it took me to a site that immediately asked if I was over 18

I guess my joke was a little immature, sure, but there's gotta be nicer ways of sayi...
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At the dinner table, mother shows the new lie detector she bought.

Mother: "Look, this device buzzes whenever it senses a lie"

Father: "Wow! Lets see! Hey son, what did you do today?"

Son: "Uhmm, I went to school."


Mother: "Ooh, you didn't go to class? Then what did you do?"

Son: "Alright, I watched a movie with a few frien...
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A female class teacher was having a problem with a boy in her 3rd grade class. The boy said, "Madam, I should be in Grade 4. I am smarter than my sister & she's in Grade 4".

The Madam had heard enough and took the boy to the principal. The principal decided to test the boy with some questions from Grade 4.

Principal: What is 3+3?

Boy: 6.

Principal: 6+6.

Boy: 12.

The boy got all the questions right. The principal told the Madam to send ...

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My girlfriend knew she'd upset me during an argument this morning by calling me immature and naive, so she's promised to make it up to me tonight with a blowjob.

Whatever that is.

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Bobby buys condoms

Bobby walks into a drug store to buy condoms but couldn't find them. He tells the pharmacist "I'm going to need a dozen condoms?". The pharmacist replies "Sure thing. Big night tonight?" With a chuckle and a smile the Bobby said "Oh yeah, I'm going to take my girlfriends virginity tonight. She's a b...

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Why do pedophiles love reddit?

There are so many immature assholes.

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I can't stand Kevin Spacey and people like him.

They're all fucking immature assholes.

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My girlfriend broke up with me.

She said
"I'm sorry, but you're just too immature."
I looked her dead in the face and said
"Get the fuck outa my treehouse!"

A recent archeological dig has uncovered a set of 2300 year old Roman gold rings, with a small golden figure of a Tick attatched to it, missing all its legs...

Archeologists originally believed it to be simple wear and tear, until it was discovered there were no signs of soldering on the bodies of the golden ticks, indicating they were intentionally made legless. A professor on the scene theorized that these rings were a gesture of romantic interest or a p...
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What's the difference between Reddit and 4chan?

One is a group of immature internet trolls....and the other thinks it isn't.
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15 Best Two-Line Jokes

1. Parallel lines have so much in common
It's a shame they'll never meet

2. My wife accused me of being immature
I told her to get out of my fort

3. Women only call me ugly until they find out how much money I make.
Then they call me ugly and poor

4. How many Germans do...

Reddit, lend me your jokes.

I'm going to the florida arcade and pinball convention tomorrow. obviously its initials are "FAP". I need as many horrible fap jokes as possible for my friends (example: i called all my friends to tell them i'm coming). thanks for the help.

- an immature adult
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A man hears his doorbell ring

He goes to open the door, but sees no one there. He glances down, thinking maybe it was a package dropped off, but only sees his doormat and a snail on the ground. Realizing it must have been immature kids ding-dong ditching, he becomes a little angry. To vent his frustration, he picks up the snail ...
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Nazi jokes are so offensive

Anne Frankly, I find them immature.

Why did the researchers stopped their research on embryos?

Because the subject is still to immature.
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Farmers and their Pig

Old, long winded, and immature. But, I always laugh at it

Three farmers had been competing at the state fair for several years now for the biggest pig contest. Each year though all three farmers would lose to a pig from another county. So, Farmer John calls farmer Brown and Farmer Dan over to...

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