
Did you know that a group of crows is called a murder?

Well, technically it's only a murder if there's probable caws.

What's curvy, crunchy, and caws?

A Pringull.

But is it murder?

A homicide detective walks into a bar and orders a beer. "Hey look at those birds outside," the bartender comments to him. "Did you know that a group of crows like that is called a murder?" "Well you can't be sure that's a murder," the detective says. "Unless there is probable caws."

What prompts most crows to commit homicide?

Caws and effect

Do you guys wanna donate to my charity?

It's a non profit organization called "Caw Caw Caw Caw"

It's four good caws

Why did the police arrest the crow?

They had probable caws.

A crow flies to a woman on the street

Crow: Miss, would you donate to my charity?

Woman: Why should I?


Woman: What does that even mean?

Crow: Its four good caws

Why did the cops arrest the two crows before more could arrive?

Attempted murder.

There was probable caws.

A crow was arrested today under suspicion of being involved in a murder

The judge threw the case out. He said he had just caws.

If you see a bunch of big black birds

Don't automatically assume it's a murder of crows.

You can't have a murder without probable caws.

Did you hear about the crow who worked at a call Center?

He was fired for Just Caws

A crow asks a lady to donate to it's charity

'Whats your charity called?' , asks the lady.

' CAW! CAW! CAW! CAW! ' , said the crow,

' It's four good caws'

OP meets a talking crow

One day OP decides to get off reddit for a bit and go for a nice leisurely walk. After walking for a few hours he pauses at a park bench and sits down to collect his thoughts.

A crow lands on the bench beside him and takes him off guard by saying hello.

“Are... are you a talking crow?...

Which bird is the most contented?

The crow. He never complains without caws.

Why do crows do vocal exercises every morning?

For the Good of the Caws.

Two scientists are studying a nest of newly-hatched crows..

The new parents are doing what they can, and the three chicks are noisy and demanding.

One day, the scientists notice that one of the chicks isn't making noise anymore. They see he's making the motions, but no sound is coming from his beak.

The scientists decide to do something to try ...

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