
This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

What do you call a phallic potato?

A dick-tater!

what happens to a potato after the plot of soil it is growing in quadruples in value?

it becomes an affluent-tato

A woman walks into a grocery store.

She heads to the produce aisle and sees a man stocking the shelves. “Excuse me where are your onions?”
“Ma’am we don’t have any onions today” the man replied.
“Nonsense, I know you have onions today” she replied.
“ ma’am we really don’t” he said again.
“ yes you do” was her response....

What do you get when you cross a president with a potato?

A dictator.

What is a British rockstar’s favorite meal?

Head bangers and mosh pit-tatoes

What is a stormtroopers favorite vegetable?


Which is the most religious vegetable?

The Pope-tato

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

A woman goes to a grocery

and tells the grocer, "I want one pound of potatoes, one pound of tomatoes, and one pound of onions."

The grocer replies, "I'm sorry, but we don't have any onions."

"Okay, then give me two pounds of potatoes, one and a half pounds of tomatoes, and half a pound of onions."

"I tol...

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